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Cabinet Secretariat endorses CIC recommendation for monthly disclosure of Ministries' performance reports (RTI Document)

  1. RTI application to the Cabinet Secretariat sent in /august 2014 and its response transferring the request to 27 Departments
  2. RTI Reply furnished by the Ministry of Law and Justice
  3. Monthly summaries for May and June 2014 furnished by the Ministry of External Affairs
  4. Reply of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
  5. Monthly summaries for May and June 2014 furnished by the Dept. of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance
  6. Monthly summaries for May and June 2014 furnished by the Dept. of Economic Affairs, SM Section
  7. Monthly summaries for May and June 2014 furnished by the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance
  8. Monthly summaries for May and June 2014 furnished by the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance
  9. Monthly summaries for May and June 2014 furnished by the IES Cadre Section of the Ministry of Finance
  10. Monthly summaries for May and June 2014 furnished by The Ministry of Water Resources
  11. Monthly summaries for May and June 2014 furnished by the Department of Disability Affairs
  12. “NIL” reports furnished by various entities in the Ministry of Finance
  13. “NIL” report furnished by the Ministry of Tri8bal /affairs
  14. RTI replies from the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
  15. RTI replies received from the Ministry of Home Affairs
  16. RTI reply received from the Ministry of Defense rejecting access to monthly summary reports
  17. RTI reply received form the Japan Section of the Ministry of Finance