requests should receive a response within the time
limits set down by the law. If the time limits for making a
decision or supplying the information are not met, then section
7(6) of the Central Act requires that no fees can be charged.
When you decide to grant an application, most Acts requires that
you will need to notify the requester in writing that their request
has been accepted. The Central Act requires that the notice advise:
- what fees
are payable for accessing the information (together with a calculation
of how the fee was arrived at);
- the form
of access being provided and how to actually obtain access;
- how to make an appeal
if the requester is unhappy with either the amount of fee being
charged and/or the form of access provided.
click on the link to the Central
RTI Act to read the detailed provisions contained in the law.
Please click on the link to CHRI's
State RTI pages to find out more about relevant rules and implementation
in your specific State.