processing an application, the most important thing to remember
is that the citizen requesting information is a partner - not an
enemy. The requester is simply exercising a fundamental right, and
you have a duty to assist them. In doing so, you should feel free
to talk to the requester to ensure that you are giving them what
they need.
This is particularly important where an application looks a bit
vague and may require a large number of records to be retrieved.
Rather than resenting the burden of handling the request, consider
contacting the requester to clarify if they really want all the
records or if it is possible for them to tighten their search. It
is possible that they were unsure of what they were requesting,
and that if you help them, you can cooperatively ensure access to
the information they actually want. Of course, if they DO actually
want all the records requested, you are duty bound to provide them.
key is to remember that you are working to help the requester and
can always talk to them to see if you can negotiate a happy outcome
for all parties.
- Flowchart for application under the Central
click on the link to the Central
RTI Act to read the detailed provisions contained in
the law. Please click on the link to CHRI's
State RTI pages to find out more about relevant rules and implementation
in your specific State.
