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Report on Proceedings - Launch and Consultation of CHRI's National Study on Legal Aid for Persons in Custoy- Hope Behind Bars?

Dec 31, 2018 Download File

CHRI organised the launch and consultation for its National Report on Legal Aid for Persons in Custody – Hope Behind Bars? on 9th September 2018, in New Delhi. The report was launched by Justice (Retd.) A.P. Shah, Former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court, Justice S. Muralidhar, Delhi High Court, Mr. Sanjay Hazarika, International Director CHRI, and Mr. S. S. Rathi, Director,
National Legal Aid Services Authority (NALSA). The event was attended by representatives from legal services authorities, judiciary, prison department, law schools, media and civil society. 
The launch was followed by a panel discussion on ‘improving quality of legal aid services’ chaired by Justice S. Muralidhar, Delhi High Court. The second half of the day was spent discussing the role of civil society and university based law clinics on strengthening legal aid for persons in custody. This report on proceedings encapsulates the discussions during the consultation.