The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) London office is seeking knowledgeable and experienced people as Trustees to join its Executive Committee.
CHRI is an international, independent, non-governmental organisation working for the practical realisation of human rights in the Commonwealth through research, advocacy and mobilisation since 1987. It has offices in London, Accra, and New Delhi. These trustee positions are for CHRI UK (based in London).
CHRI focuses on the intersection of human rights, transparency and good governance, with programmes on access to justice, access to information, eradicating contemporary forms of slavery and human trafficking, freedom of expression and media freedom, and building the capacity of small States and civil society to access UN human rights mechanisms. CHRI UK leads research and advocacy work on SDG Target 8.7 and founded the Commonwealth 8.7 Network, a member-driven network of local, grassroots NGOs aimed to eradicate contemporary forms of slavery and human trafficking. The CHRI London office also leads on Commonwealth Secretariat relations, and engagement with the UN human rights mechanisms. We work in partnership with other Commonwealth organisations (state and non-state) on issues of common concern with a human rights focus.
The Commonwealth is a community based on a shared sense of values (the Commonwealth Charter) as well as history and language, and is unique in bringing together developing and developed countries in both the north and south, on all continents.
While CHRI has approximately 20 staff working internationally, the day to day management of CHRI UK is carried out by a small team led by the Director, currently based in London. CHRI UK is a registered charity and company under UK law. The Executive Committee (or Board of Trustees) has the ultimate responsibility of governing CHRI UK. Strategic direction and oversight, fundraising, finance compliance and risk management, are the primary responsibilities of Trustees of CHRI UK.
Meetings of the Executive Committee of CHRI UK are held on a quarterly basis and, while these are often virtual, are occasionally held in-person in Central London.
CHRI also has an International Board, which meets every four to six months (almost always virtually), with the Chair and Director of the CHRI UK Executive Committee along with one other Trustee attending these meetings and representing CHRI UK.
We are currently looking for three to four additional Trustees with human rights and development, resource mobilisation, and/or legal experience to join the governance of CHRI UK to enable us to revitalise the organisation.
This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to a well-known and reputable human rights organisation that has in recent years grown, in terms of programmes, income and influence. We are looking for motivated individuals who are ready to take us to the next stage.
The current Chair is James Robbins, former BBC Diplomatic Editor, and the Executive Director is Sneh Aurora.
The Executive Committee (or Board of Trustees) has ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of CHRI UK - ensuring it is solvent, in compliance with UK charity law, and developing and delivering its mission and strategic objectives, as detailed in CHRI UK’s Memorandum of Association and strategic plan.
As a Trustee of CHRI UK, you would work closely with the Director of the London office, liaising through her with the CHRI London team You would also work with CHRI’s leadership in Accra and Delhi and the Executive Committee (EC) Chair.
Person specification
Trustee posts are not remunerated. They are voluntary and unpaid positions. CHRI UK is a limited company.
Reasonable travel expenses incurred to attend Executive Committee meetings, and all other reasonable costs incurred whilst carrying out the duties of being a CHRI UK Trustee, will be reimbursed, if approved in advance by the Executive Committee.
Trustees may at their discretion, and without setting any precedent for future activities, choose not to claim expenses if they wish to support the charity in this way.
Term of Office
The term of office is for three years. Trustees may serve an additional term of three years, subject to agreement of the Executive Committee.
Expected Time Commitment
The time commitment for the post of Trustee is approximately one day a month, including preparation for and attendance at all Executive Committee meetings (2-3 hours every three months) and other meetings including sub-committees as they might be called from time to time (approximately 1 day per annum).
Training and Development
CHRI UK will provide an induction for all new Trustees, as well as an opportunity to meet the CHRI UK team.
To express your interest please forward your CV and a covering letter to, with ‘Trustee Application’ in the subject line.
Please indicate:
The deadline for applications is 23:59 on Monday 17 February 2025. Should posts remain unfilled after this date, we will review applications on a rolling basis until all positions are filled.
To enable diversity on the Executive Committee, CHRI welcomes candidates who are women, from LGBTI+ and/or minority groups, and from young people.