CHRI’s Impact at CHOGM

The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) is a biennial event that brings together all Commonwealth heads of governments, as well as providing space for civil society and business. These meetings have historically shaped policies on pressing issues affecting member nations.

At the conclusion of each summit, a Communiqué is released outlining  the commitment of all 56 Commonwealth member states.

Who attends CHOGM?

  • Heads of Government from the 56 member states of the Commonwealth.
  • Commonwealth accredited associations, including the  Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI).
  • Non-Commonwealth civil society, governments and businesses.

Over the years, CHRI has been actively involved in CHOGMs. Explore our contributions in the following years:



CHRI at CHOGM 2024

Theme: ‘One Resilient Common Future: Transforming our Common Wealth’

CHRI’s Submissions/Statements at CHOGM:

  1. Independent Forum of Commonwealth Organisations (IFCO) Statement to the Committee of the Whole: As an IFCO member, CHRI addresses the shrinking civil society space within the Commonwealth. We contributed to a joint statement from Accredited Organisations (AOs) highlighting their critical role and offering recommendations to improve communication and collaboration with Commonwealth member states and institutions. Read the  statement here. [1] 
  2. Zero Draft Communiqué and CHRI Statement to the Committee of the Whole: CHRI’s  written submission aims to strengthen the Communiqué, ensuring it is grounded in human rights. Our statement identifies gaps and offers suggestions to enhance the recommendations, with the objective of  making the document more impactful. Read the statement  here.
  3. Media Principles Statement: The Commonwealth Principles on Freedom of Expression and the Role of the Media in Good Governance have been adopted unanimously by Law Ministers and recommended for endorsement by Heads of Government at the upcoming CHOGM in Samoa. Developed over eight years with extensive collaboration of partners including CHRI, these principles emphasise the Commonwealth’s commitment to democratic governance and fundamental rights. Read the  statement here
  4. Modern Slavery Statement: CHRI’s joint civil society statement on modern slavery   highlights  its connection to the thematic areas of CHOGM 2024. The statement, endorsed by  over 200  organisations, calls on Commonwealth states to: strengthen democratic institutions, uphold human rights, and enforce the rule of law; create a resilient environment to combat climate change, thereby addressing modern slavery and human trafficking; build resilient economies that support recovery and prosperity; and promote resilient societies to empower individuals for a peaceful and productive life. Read the  statement here.

CHOGM Forums:

  1. Women’s Forum: CHRI London  CHRI will contribute to  and/or moderate a session on gender equality during CHOGM.
  2. People’s Forum: CHRI will lead a  session on Freedom of Expression within the CPF formal agenda.[2] [3] 

Side Events:

  1. Protecting Freedom of Speech and Expression in the Commonwealth: CHRI is partnering with the Commonwealth Journalists Association, International Commission of Jurists, Commonwealth Lawyers Association, and the Institute for Commonwealth Studies for a side event. This event will  launch  CHRI's report on Freedom of Expression and Media Freedoms in the Commonwealth, developed in collaboration with these organisations.
  2. Modern Slavery and Climate Change: CHRI, CTUG, and IOSH are collaborating on a side  event titled 'On the Move and at Risk – The Nexus Between Climate Change, Human Trafficking, and Exploitation’ This session will focus on  workers' occupational health and safety  exploring how climate change heightens vulnerabilities to trafficking and exploitation, impacting societal resilience. By highlighting innovative measures, it aims to protect and empower affected communities, particularly in the Pacific.
  3. Gender Based Violence:[4] [5]   Led by the Commonwealth Business Women’s Network, this event will address the economic and social impacts of gender-based violence (GBV). It will advocate  for the ratification of key international conventions, and promote emerging policy initiatives. Hosted as a high-level technical panel and roundtable, it aims to foster coordinated action and collaboration among Commonwealth nations, aligning with the organisation’s priorities on gender equality. CHRI will speak at this event, contributing insights and expertise on combating GBV.

CHRI at CHOGM 2022

Theme: Delivering a Common Future: Connecting, Innovating, Transforming

CHRI’s Submissions/Statements at CHOGM:

  1. Joint Statement on Rwanda: CHRI, together with Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, released a Joint Statement on the human rights situation in Rwanda. This statement raised concerns about human rights violations in Rwanda, and proposed recommendations to the Rwandan Government.
  2. CHRI’s Pre-Trial Detention Report : CHRI launched  a Report for CHOGM 2022 titled ‘Guilty till Proven Innocent?’, which highlights  promises and  gaps in the criminal justice policies and legal frameworks within the Commonwealth. 
  3. Modern Slavery Statement: CHRI’s joint statement on modern slavery highlighted  the urgent need for action as COVID-19 and conflicts like the Ukraine crisis worsen vulnerabilities. With 40% of modern slavery victims in Commonwealth countries and a significant rise in child trafficking, it is crucial that states renew their commitments. We urged Commonwealth leaders to: intensify efforts to meet SDG 8.7, enhance support for survivors, ensure access to remedies, criminalise all forms of modern slavery, and strengthen protections for vulnerable groups. Read the statement here.

CHOGM Forums:

  1. Women’s Forum: Sneh Aurora  moderated  the session Ending Violence Against Women and Girls: Engaging Men. The session explored  violence against women and girls, focusing  on programmes that  engage men and boys as agents of positive change and the  critical role of data  in understanding VAWG and its broader  impacts.
  2. People’s Forum: The Session “People-centred Approaches in Criminal Justice Systems: Trends and Challenges”, hosted by CHRI, provided  insights into  trends within  the Commonwealth, emphasising people-centred justice services. During this  session,  CHRI launched its report  ‘Guilty till Proven Innocent?,  identifying  promises and  gaps in criminal justice policies and legal frameworks, 

Side Events:

  1. Shrinking civic space and freedoms in Commonwealth Africa: a deliberate silence, feigned ignorance or indifference?: CHRI participated in a side-event organised by CIVICUS and WACSI. The event discussed  shrinking civic space and violations of the right to  freedom of expression in Africa, urging  Commonwealth governments to create an enabling environment for open dialogue and improve democratic standards.
  2. Exploring the nexus between Climate Crisis and Modern Slavery: Impacts, good practices and partnerships: This event  hosted by CHRI in collaboration with the Walk Free Foundation and the 8.7 Network brought together diverse voices affected by modern slavery exacerbated by climate change. Panellists shared good practices for tackling  the challenges posed by climate change in  eradicating modern slavery, emphasising the  crucial roles of civil society and state actors.
  3. People-centred Approaches in Criminal Justice Systems: Trends and Challenges: Hosted by  CHRI, this event provided  insights into current trends in the Commonwealth regarding people-centred justice services. During the session, CHRI launched its 2022 Report for CHOGM, ‘Guilty till Proven Innocent?’, which highlights promises and gaps in criminal justice policy and legal frameworks.