Consultancy with Prison Reforms Programme

The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI)'s Prison Reforms Programme is looking for a consultant to conduct research and draft a Guide on Defending Children in Detention who are Asylum Seekers or Refugees in India. The consultant would be required to develop the structure and content of the guide in consultation with the programme head, undertake research, draft the Guide and oversee the review of the draft to final completion. The duration of the consultancy would be 15 September - 15 November, 2020. This is a time bound study, and would need to be completed by 15 November, 2020.

Those interested to apply should send in a CV, a short writing sample (2-4 pages), and a cover letter explaining their interest, experience and expertise in this area of work. They should also specify the expected fee towards the completion of the work.  

Please send your application no later than 4 pm on Tuesday, 8th September by email to Ms. Vinu Sampath Kumar at Please note that shortlisted candidates would be contacted by 10 September, 2020, and the final selection made by 12 September, 2020.