
Our vision to establish ourselves as a global South-based NGO, which is international in its work and vision has over the years come to fruition. The difficulty in achieving this recognition cannot be taken lightly; it has required twice the purposefulness of any NGO based in the North to establish credibility and overcome the perception that if based in India, an NGO can only be capable of being a regional body, not truly an international human rights organisation. Our acceptance as a human rights organisation in disparate locations of the Commonwealth bears witness to the growth we have undergone over the last 25 years. Today, CHRI has its Headquarters in New Delhi, and offices in London and Accra; we are accredited to the Commonwealth; we attained special consultative status at the Economic and Social Council of the UN in 2005 and observer status at the ACPHR in 2002; we helped found the Usalama Reforms Forum in East Africa and the Right to Information network, SARTIAN, in South Asia; we serve as secretariat for NIPSA (Network for Improved Policing in South Asia); collaborate with HURINET-U and APCOF in Africa; have sent fact finding missions to Nigeria in 1995, Zambia in 1996, Fiji in 2002 and Rwanda in 2009; have a presence as RTI experts in South Asia, West Africa and the Caribbean; have an active police programme in South Asia, East and West Africa, the Pacific and the Caribbean; and a localised prisons programme in India. Even so, these are only a few of the broad range of networks and associations we are a part of, and only a fraction of the work that we have undertaken over the last 25 years. Over the course of this 25 anniversary report, we strive to review what we have done, celebrate our successes, while recognising how much further we still have left to go.