What We do

National Human Rights Institutions

There are now over 30 National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in the Commonwealth. CHRI, advocates for the establishment of Paris Principles compliant NHRIs in all countries of the Commonwealth, and works to strengthen partnerships between NHRIs and civil society organisations.

CHRI’s report to CHOGM 2011, A Partnership for Human Rights: Civil Society and National Human Rights Institutions, focused on the relationship between civil society and NHRIs and showcased examples from across the Commonwealth where successful partnerships and engagement between the two have led to mutual enhancement of work.

Working alongside its network of civil society organisations, CHRI engages at international platforms such as the Commonwealth Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (CFNHRI). CFNHRI is an informal and inclusive body of the Commonwealth national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights. It promotes networking, sharing of information, experiences and best practices, encouraging countries to establish Paris Principle-compliant NHRIs; while at the same time it supports local civil society organisations to scrutinise the accreditation of their respective NHRIs at the International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions.