What We do

Pakistan : Publications and Resources

Police Organization in Pakistan

During the early months of the year, CHRI worked in close consultation with the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) based in Lahore in conducting research and finalising the publication titled Police Organisations in Pakistan. The purpose of this publication is to serve as a resource for people to better understand the roles and responsibilities of the police, and to offer practical benefit for people in their interaction with the police. In order to publicise the report, CHRI organised a book launch in Lahore in collaboration with HRCP on 14 May 2010. The release was followed by an interactive session with the participants where they exchanged information with CHRI representatives about police reforms in India. This report, as part of NIPSA’s effort to engage in cross-jurisdictional collaborations throughout South Asia to raise awareness on policing issues, has been well received by policing officials in Pakistan and civil society. HRCP has expressed interest in translating the publication in Urdu for greater outreach.

101 Questions – Pakistan

“101 Things you wanted to know about the police but were too afraid to ask” was published in English for India in late 2009. SHEHRI – an organisation working on better policing in Pakistan showed a deal of interest in adapting the publication for a Pakistani audience. To allow for greater dissemination and utility of the publication, the 101 questions has been compiled both in English and Urdu. CHRI organised the launch of the publication in association with SHEHRI in Karachi in May 2010.

CPDI reports