What We do

Promoting ATI in Ghana and Commonwealth Africa

The CHRI with support from Open Society Initiative (OSI) has worked to build a network of individuals at the community level to create awareness on access to information. CHRI has achieved this objective by adopting the under listed strategies;


Internship Program - CHRI conducted two separate internship training aimed at grooming participants on citizens’ right to access information so that they can become RTI ambassadors in the regions across the country. CHRI hosted eighteen (18) interns from tertiary institutions and community based organizations and radio stations in and outside Greater Accra region for the training. The interns carried out series of activities (listed below) to also educate people in their communities after the training.

  1. Debriefing forum by trained interns - In all eight (8) debriefing forum were held and at least forty people participated in each of forum.
  2. Durbar on Access to Information - The trained interns embarked on information request exercise organized a durbar to share the outcome of the exercise with the rest of the community members.
  3. Information Van Campaignthe interns carried out sixty four (64) campaigns in several communities in six regions of Ghana.


Workshops for student of tertiary institutions - The objective of this activity is to create awareness on citizen’s rights to information and also encourage participants to seek for information based on provisions in the university regulations handbook and other existing laws. Four (4) workshops were held with each bringing together students from two tertiary institutions and selected Assembly members.


As the secretariat of the Coalition on the Right to Information, Ghana which the Africa Office was instrumental in establishing, the office has over the years implemented several projects aimed at ensuring that Ghana has a legal framework on access to information that will ensure citizens’ full enjoyment of their constitutional right to information.