What We do

Promoting Passage of Effective RTI Law

This project, sponsored by STAR Ghana was targeted at enhancing citizen’s knowledge and understanding, particularly those at the grassroots, on their right to information and mobilising the citizenry support for the passage of a progressive RTI law in Ghana.

It was also to ensure the review of problematic clauses and subsequent review of the bill by Parliament.


Workshop with media professionals - was held in February 2014 in the Greater Accra Region to mobilize them to support the review of the RTI Bill and equip them to initiate public discussions on the Bill.


Public forums for the informal sector were held in the Northern, Central, Upper East, Volta and Ashanti Regions of Ghana. These forums were facilitated by the regional network of the Coalition.


Workshop with officials of Municipal Assemblies - As part of activities to mainstream RTI in the local governance structure, workshops were organized in three districts of the Brong Ahafo Region to sensitize the District Assemblies on their role in facilitating and promoting the public’s right to information.


Workshop for professional and religious organisations was organized to mobilize support for the recommendations on the Bill by the Parliamentary Select Committee on Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs and for its passage into law. For the first time, professional bodies and other associations came together to discuss issues of access to information and adopted a communiqué declaring their support for the advocacy.