What We do

Studies and Research

CHRI is conducting research and studies on different aspects of policing.  List:

  • Police Station Mapping Study in Delhi: The study being done in collaboration with Praja Foundation, relies on primary data gathered through Right to Information requests from all police stations (total 181) to examine the status of crime and policing in Delhi.
  •  Police Budgets: This study examines police budgets, with a focus on the Delhi Police.  The research and writing is being done by the Centre for Budget and Policy Studies, Bangalore, in consultation with CHRI.
  • Public Surveys on Crime Victimisation and Safety Perceptions: CHRI is conducting public surveys on crime victimisation and safety perception in Delhi and Mumbai to gather data and perceptions from the public directly. We are working with a leading research firm Indicus on this.
  • Study on Status of Policing in India: Preparation for Status of Policing in India CHRI is also producing a report on the status of police across India. It will compare different state police forces against objective parameters like police accountability, police welfare, infrastructure and human resources, numbers of women police, among others. The report will contain information pertinent to each set of criteria that is selected in pictorial as well as textual form with a short preface and conclusions. 
  • Arrest Memo:  This study examines police compliance with Section 41B(b) of the Criminal Procedure Code, namely the requirement to draft arrest memos at every arrest, in the two states of Rajasthan and West Bengal. An arrest memo should contain the name and address of the arrested person, and time and place of arrest. It must be signed by the arrested person and at least one witness, either a relative of the arrested person or a person from the same locality where the arrest is made. The arrested person is required to be produced in court within 24 hours along with the arrest memo and other documents. The Magistrate should verify the particulars contained in the memo by cross checking with the arrested person. The purpose of our study is to test whether this key safeguard against illegal arrest and detention is being complied with in the letter and spirit of the law.
  • Report on Police Organization in India: This report, first published by CHRI in 2008, explains the structure, organization, administration and functions of a police department in India. CHRI is revising the report with a) updated information on existing chapters on police organization including total strength, administrative units, diversity, and budget; b) changes in recruitment procedures and training curriculum; and c) more information on structure and functions of a police station as well as police budgets.