Photo: Shutterstock/The Telegraph
The Telegraph | February 7, 2019
Even though India and Pakistan have made some efforts to streamline the process of repatriating each other’s prisoners, a visit to prisons on either side can still yield disturbing stories.
Often, these cases come to light through media reports. Gajanand was imprisoned in Pakistan for 36 years for a prison sentence of two months; Yousaf, a Pakistani man lodged in the Alwar Detention Centre, remains there in spite of having completed his sentence in 2016. These stories provide a glimpse of the larger problems confronting foreign national prisoners, or FNPs, in countries across the world, especially in South Asia. A petition to the Supreme Court noted that around 1,000 Pakistani prisoners were awaiting repatriation in different prisons in India. The case has been pending since 2005, and the details of released prisoners remain unknown. Read the full story on The Telegraph website.