CHRI at CHOGM 2018 Event: Photos

Tue, Apr 24, 2018

CHRI director, Sanjoy Hazarika, on a panel on 'Reducing Pre-Trial Detention in the Commonwealth', organised by CHRI in partnership with UNODC, Penal Reforms International, OSJI, ICPR and Fair Trials

Anika Holterhof of @UNODC stresses the importance of access to Legal Aid

Catherine Heard from ICPR talking about statistics on pre-trial detention and pre trial decision making

Sanjoy Hazarika at the CHOGM Report Launch. National Liberal Club, Whitehall

“We need research and data to end slavery.”- a call to action by UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, Urmila Bhoola, at CHRI's CHOGM Report launch.

'The denial of the right to dream is the biggest possible human rights abuse!' Nobel Prize winner Kailash Satyarthi at CHRI's CHOGM Report Launch speaking of the need for a multiplicity of actors- State, civil society, religious institutions and corporations to speak in one voice against slavery

“No great movement to upend the great evils we see ... has ever suceeded without this undercurrent of popular engagement.” Robert Bilheimer talks about the importance of young people in these movements after the screening of his film, Not My Life at the Festival of Commonwealth Film

The stage was set at the British Museum for an immersive virtual reality experience- 'One Eighty', a film produced by Oculus and CHRI tells the story of Vijai Kumari who spent 20 years in prison, and the struggle of her son, Kanhaiya, who was born in prison, to get her released!

Baroness Stern kicks off our roundtable on Civil Society in the Commonwealth, remarking on the vibrancy of the work CSOs are doing in all Member States

'The Big Picture on Small States', a panel discussion on the role of Small States in the Commonwealth, at Chatham House, with a powerful lineup of panelists including Lord Bates, Minister of State, UK Department for International Development, Patsy Robertson, Chair, Ramphal Institute; Chair, The Commonwealth Association; Director of Communications, Commonwealth Secretariat (1983-1994) and Caroline Morris, Senior Lecturer and Co-Director of the Centre for Small States, Queen Mary University of London
