CHRI celebrates the 70th Commonwealth Day!

Mon, Mar 11, 2019


Monday, March 11 marked the 70th Commonwealth Day, and the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiaitve (CHRI) joined 52 other nations in celebrating it. For the 53 Commonwealth countries of the world, this day is a symbol of unity and is a rallying point to promote the common values ​​of good governance, protection of human rights and the promotion of literacy and education.

Wishing everyone a very happy Commonwealth Day, CHRI International Director, Sanjoy Hazarika from the New Delhi headquarters said, "Commonwealth Day marks a transition, a departure, a promise and an unending challenge. It is a historic transition when Britain ended its colonial control over vast geographies and large populations. It is a departure because nations chose to travel their own roads after decades of struggle and discover their special identities within a larger and common space. It marks a promise because nations pledged to follow democratic principles and values and that itself represents a challenge for governments to stick to pledges. Commonwealth Day is a remembrance to each of our organisations and to us as individuals, who fight and hold the flag of human rights at risk and cost, that we must hold duty bearers to account. That includes not just governments, but corporates and non-state armed groups as well as international groups such as the UN forums and organisations as well as the Commonwealth Secretariat."

CHRI Accra too signed a statment with the Royal Commonwealth Society for the United States to defend business and trade relations. 

On the occasion, we spoke to our younger team members in New Delhi about their work in CHRI and what their ideals of human rights were. 


