CSOs and Parliamentary Committee meet to discuss Ghana's RTI Bill

Fri, May 11, 2018

Mina Mensah, head of CHRI's Africa office in Accra, Ghana, asks a question of a parliamentary committee during an interaction between the latter and CSO to discuss Ghana's Right to Information bill. Intense efforts are on to finally pass the bill after years of delay by successive Ghanaian governments. The effort appears finally to be gaining momentum and the bill is widely expected to be passed in the next months

Mina Mensah, CHRI's head of office in Ghana, makes a.presentation at the meeting between members of a parliamentary committee finalising the country's RTI bill and CSOs at parliament house, Accra, Ghana's capital. CHRI is the secretariat for the RTI coalition in Ghana and Mensah led the CSO presentations

Sanjoy Hazarika, international directorof CHRI, makes an intervention at the discussion in Parliament House on the RTI bill
