New edition of Fair Trials Manual, edited by Maja Daruwala and Prof Mrinal Satish

July 17, 2020

New Delhi

The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) is delighted to announce the publication of the new and revised edition of the Fair Trial Manual, edited by Maja Daruwala, Senior Adviser, Tata Trusts and CHRI, and Prof Mrinal Satish of the National Law University Delhi (NLUD). First published in 2010, the Manual is specially designed as a practical guide for the subordinate judiciary.

Built around procedures, precedents, and practices, it is designed to show how Constitutional and human rights jurisprudence informs both the substantive and procedural aspects of  criminal justice adjudication. It presents a balanced account of ever-evolving international standards and guarantees included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. India’s Constitution reflects many of these norms and everyday actions and decisions  in the courts is required to be faithful to these values. Each chapter refers to relevant domestic and international laws and the appropriate case-law governing the aspect and a brief guide for judicial enforcement.

The authors say that the “Manual is intended to be of practical assistance to ensure a fairness in every stage of trial and draws attention to the constant need for judges to reflect on prejudices, conscious or subconscious, that may impact their judicial decisions lest inattention or inadvertence lead to unfair results”.

We want it to be used extensively by lawyers, judges and magistrates as a guide to ensure that the constitutional vision of justice is understood and respected at every stage of a criminal trial.

CHRI salutes the patient research of the authors, their attention to detail and faithful commitment to Constitutional mandates, values and  belief in the right of every person who comes before a court for an unprejudiced trial. We believe it will  serve as an invaluable tool for our judges and further advance judicial education and training. You can access Fair Trial Manual here.

Sanjoy Hazarika

International Director, CHRI 

For information about the manual please contact