Dear all,

On the eve of the seventh anniversary (12th May) of the passing of the Indian Right to Information Act, 2005, we conducted a rapid study of the composition and working of the 29 Information Commissions established across the country. (This list includes the Jammu and Kashmir State Information Commission established under the Jammu and Kashmir Right to Information Act, 2009.)

The main findings of the rapid study along with policy recommendations are attached. The attachment contains an executive summary as well for those who may be too busy to read the entire report.

This document is also accessible on our website at:

The second attachment to this email contains an executive summary in Hindi along with the main report.

Please circulate this report within your networks as widely as possible. We will appreciate any feedback from you in this regard.

In order to access our previous email alerts on RTI and related issues please click on: You will find the links at the top of this web page. If you do not wish to receive these email alerts please send an email to this address indicating your refusal.

Venkatesh Nayak
Programme Coordinator
Access to Information Programme
Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative
B-117, First Floor, Sarvodaya Enclave
New Delhi- 110 017
Tel: +91-11-43180215/ 43180201
Fax: +91-26864688
Alternate Email:

  1. ICs_Compstudy_HindiExecSummary.pdf
  2. ICs_CompstudyFinal_Delhi.pdf