Dear All,

When I accessed a copy of the list of topics slated for discussion by the Union Cabinet last year, under the Right to Information Act, 2005 I found that a note was put up by the Planning Commission on India’s performance vis-à-vis the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). More information about MDGs and the global targets for reducing deprivation and want around the world is accessible at:

The Status Note has not received wide publicity and is not accessible on the website of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation which is responsible for implementation of MDGs. As the Cabinet Note was put up by the Planning Commission I sought the information from them directly. The Planning Commission has sent me the materials that went into the preparation of the status note. Strangely, the Cabinet Note itself has not been supplied. Meanwhile, I am circulating a scanned copy of the reply and the materials sent by the Planning Commission for your reference.

The Status Note is a classic example of how poorly thought out is our strategy for achieving the MDGs. I will not comment further as I do not want to prejudice the minds of readers. You may arrive at your own conclusions as to how serious the Government is to its commitment to achieving MDGs after reading the contents of the attachment.

Please circulate this email as widely as possible.

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Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Venkatesh Nayak

Programme Coordinator
Access to Information Programme
Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative
B-117, First Floor, Sarvodaya Enclave
New Delhi- 110 017, INDIA
Tel: +91-11-43180215/ 43180201
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  1. MDGStatusNote-PlanComm-RTIreply-Feb13.pdf