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Annual Reporting

The Central Act places the main responsibility for monitoring on the newly established Central and State Information Commissions. This monitoring effort is mainly focussed on producing annual reports which review the implementation of the Act for the year. Section 25(3) details the minimum requirements for the contents of the annual report, for example:

  • the number of requests made to each public authority;
  • the number of decisions where applicants were not entitled to access to the documents pursuant to the requests, the provisions of this Act under which the decisions were made and the number of times such provisions were invoked;
  • the number of appeals referred to the Information Commission for review, the nature of the appeals and the outcome of the appeals;
  • particulars of any disciplinary action taken against any officer in respect of the administration of this Act; and
  • the amount of charges collected by each public authority under this Act;
  • any facts which indicate an effort by public authorities to implement the spirit and intention of the Act;
  • recommendations for reform, including recommendations in respect of particular public authorities, for the development, improvement, modernisation, reform or amendment to the Act, other legislation or the common law, or any other mater relevant for operationalising the right to access information.

Section 25(4) requires that all Annual Reports are tabled in Parliament and/or the State Legislature. Additionally though, annual reports should also be put on government websites and made be available in hard copy. They should be disseminated widely so that the public can easily find out how well the Act is being implemented.

None of the State Acts require the production of annual reports.