key issue to remember when applying exemption provisions is that
information can legitimately be kept secret in some circumstances,
but only where disclosure would be likely to cause serious harm
to specific, important public interests. Information cannot
be withheld simply because disclosure might embarrass the government,
or government officials; it certainly cannot be withheld simply
because it might expose corruption. What is important is that these
legitimate exemptions are used to protect the country from harm
which could be caused by disclosure, and are not abused to protect
special interests.
Each request needs to be considered on a case-by-case basis. As
noted above, information which might be sensitive today, in a few
years or even a few months, may not be so sensitive. We have seen
good examples of this in recent times in relation to information
on the Iraq War. The British Government kept secret lots of correspondence
and documents - but during a later government inquiry (the Hutton
Inquiry) a lot of this information was released publicly, mostly
on the internet. Similarly in America, the September 11 Commission
has been declassifying some very sensitive documents - including
a Presidential Daily Briefing, a type of document which had never
before been publicly released - because they recognised that the
public's right to know needed to override the Government's desire
for secrecy.
As noted above, all of India's right to information laws contained
exemptions provisions. In the Central Act, Section
8(1) lists all of the exemptions. Below is a general discussion
of some of the key provisions:
National Security or Sovereignty:
As explained above, there is some information, which relates
to India's national security, which could genuinely cause harm
if it was released to the public. For example, information published
during a conflict, detailing the number of soldiers defending
a boundary, where they were positioned or their strategic plans.
However, it would not be appropriate to use this exemption simply
to keep a contract for the purchase of an air force fighter
jet secret. This is common commercial information which should
be made public to reduce the likelihood of corruption tainting
the procurement process, and should not be withheld simply because
it relates to defence.
National Economic Interests:
Disclosure of information about currency or exchange rates,
interest rates, taxes, the regulation or supervision of banking,
insurance and other financial institutions, proposals for expenditure
or borrowing and foreign investment could in some cases harm
the national economy, particularly if released prematurely.
However, lower level economic and financial information, like
contracts and departmental budgets should not be withheld under
this exemption.
Relations with Foreign
States: The relationship between countries can often be
sensitive, such that candid assessments and analysis of other
countries' behaviour and policies could easily offend and in
so doing, damage India's own international interests. However,
this exemption should not be used simply to hide political deals
between players, which are not in the public interest and can
never justify non-disclosure of information which discloses
a breach of national law.
Law Enforcement and the
Judicial Process: While an investigation is underway, there
may be information which needs to be protected, for example,
witnesses identities or the case being put together against
a suspect. If released, the case could be jeopardized. Likewise,
while a case is underway, information may need to be kept secret.
Notably, the discussions between a lawyer and their client will
almost always be kept secret, even if the lawyer is the Attorney-General
and the client is the Government. These exemptions should not
be used though, to protect police and judicial officers from
having their own conduct scrutinized, particularly if a victim
is seeking information about whether their case is being/has
been properly handled.
Cabinet and Other Decision-Making
Documents: Cabinet papers, including records of deliberations
of the Council of Ministers, Secretaries and other offices,
are excluded, but once a decision is made, the reasons for the
decisions and the documents which were used to make the decision
should then be disclosed to the public. This is important because
it means that during the decision-making process there is a
level of confidentiality, but once a decision is made the public
has a right to access relevant information so that they can
better understand the policy-making process.
Trade Secrets and Commercial
Confidentiality: Some information held by many private companies
should be open to the public, for example, where that information
relates to the provision of a public service or is necessary
for the exercise or protection of a right. However, it is already
recognised in law that companies should be able to protect their
trade secrets. Care should also be taken to minimize the harm
caused to a company's competitive commercial interests when
disclosing information, for example, by not publishing tender
submissions during a tender process. However, this exemption
should not be used to block the release of contracts with private
bodies who are providing public services.
Individual Safety:
Obviously, information should not be disclosed where publication
would be likely to put an individual's safety or liberty at
risk. For example, the identity of people who "blow the whistle"
on corruption inside their organisation should be protected,
because otherwise they may be targeted for discrimination or
even violence.
Personal Privacy: There
is considerable information about individuals which is held
by the government. The right to privacy requires that the government
should try to protect this information from public disclosure,
unless there is some overriding need for it to be disclosed.
For example, my next door neighbour should not be able to access
my medical records just because they are held by a government
hospital. Notably though, public officials should not be able
to use this exemption to protect their own conduct in their
official capacity from scrutiny. Thus, information about public
service transfers and appointments can be disclosed.
click on the link to the Central
Act to read the detailed provisions contained in the law. Please
click on the link to CHRI's
State RTI pages to find out more about relevant rules and implementation
in your specific State.
