right to information
offers an invaluable tool, which every person in India can use to
find out information that can make their lives better. This User's
Guide has been designed to assist and guide the citizens of India
to use the Right to Information Act 2005 (referred hereafter as
the "Central Act") and to exercise this right more effectively.
was a momentous year for right to information in India because it
saw the enactment of a national right to information law. The Central
Act was passed by the Indian Parliament on 12 May 2005 and received
Presidential assent on 15 June 2005. It came into force on 12 October
to the passage of the Central Act, only 8 states and 1 Union Territory
had right to information laws (see the CHRI
Comparative Table of Indian RTI Laws, updated to the point at
which the Central Act was passed). However, the new Central Act
covers not only all Central Government public authorities, it also
covers all State and local level public authorities (except Jammu
& Kashmir which is not covered by Central legislation due to
its special status). This means that citizens in every State of
India will now be able to access information from the Central and
State Governments under the Central Act, whether or not a separate
State right to information law is in place.
the Central Act is in place, but some of the State/territory
Acts also remain on the statute books. (As at the date this
page was last updated, only the Maharastra and Karnataka RTI Acts
have been formally repealed. However, the Delhi Government has also
signalled its intentions to repeal its Acts).
that the Central Act will likely become the most used Act in the
country, this User's Guide provides a step-by-step guide of how
an application for information can be made under the Central Act.
It also provides links to the relevant provisions in each of the
State RTI Acts, which are currently in force.
- National - Right
to Information Act 2005
- Assam - Right
to Information 2002
- Delhi - Right
to Information Act 2001
- Goa - Right
to Information Act 1997
- Jammu and Kashmir - Right
to Information Act 2004
- Madhya Pradesh - Jankari
Ki Swatantrata Adhiniyam 2002
- Rajasthan - Right
to Information Act 2000
- Tamil Nadu - Right
to Information Act 1997
- Karnataka - Right
to Information Act 2000 (repealed)
- Maharashtra - Right
to Information Act 2002 (repealed)
