CHRI at HRC46: Oral Statement in the UPR Outcome Adoption of Maldives (Agenda Item 6)
16 March 2021, Geneva: CHRI delivered an oral statement in the UPR outcome adoption of Maldives at the 46th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC). In the statement delivered by Ms. Aditi Patil, CHRI welcomed the efforts taken by the Government of Maldives towards strengthening its domestic legal framework, reforming its democratic space and renewing its engagement with international mechanisms. It also recognised the focus on formulating a bill on police accountability and bolstering anti-trafficking measures.
However, the statement raised serious concerns on the continuing threats to human rights defenders and shrinking civic space in the country. CHRI urged the Government of Maldives to:
- decriminalise blasphemy and apostasy, guarantee civic freedoms and protect human rights defenders, in line with international standards and accepted UPR recommendations.
- allocate adequate resources to ensure the effective functioning of the Prison Reforms Monitoring Committee and that conditions of detention and prison management are in line with the Nelson Mandela Rules.
- continue to raise awareness about its anti-trafficking law and measures especially among vulnerable groups, extend protection to foreign victims of trafficking, expedite all amendments to its law to bring it in conformity with the Palermo Protocol and effectively implement the standard operating procedure for early victim identification and referral.
You can read the statement here and watch the video below: