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Easier Said Than Done (ESTD) Report based on the 40th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Jun 22, 2019 Download File

The ESTD series, which was started in 2008, is researched and produced by CHRI’s International Advocacy and Programming (IAP) team. These reports review and monitor voting patterns and conduct of Commonwealth countries at the HRC vis-à-vis their pledges and commitments and as reflected in the human rights situations domestically.


This edition summarises and analyses the performance of 11 Commonwealth members during the Council’s 40th session: Australia, The Bahamas, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Fiji, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, South Africa and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Most of these countries have made specific pledges for the advancement of human rights both domestically and internationally. This report factually analyses compliance of Member States with these pledges by comparing them to their voting pattern in the Council and domestic human rights records. It also highlights the disparities between human rights promises made these States and the extent of their fulfilment at the national level.


The ESTD reports are a tool to help civil society navigate the international human rights policy-making and decision-making processes. Civil society organisations can use it to hold States accountable to commitments they have made at the HRC by voting in favour of resolutions and statements and pledges made.