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Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting - 2007


Countering Terrorism Through Human Rights - Press Statement, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (on Monday, 10 September 2007)

Recommendations of the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative to past CHOGMs

Action Points from CHOGM Declarations and Communiqués


Venue: Kampala Serena Hotel
Date: 23rd - 25th November 2007
Theme: Transforming Commonwealth Societies to achieve Political, Economic and Human Development

Commomwealth People's Forum

Venue: Hotel Africana
Date: 19th - 22nd November 2007
Theme: Realising People’s Potential

Commonwealth Business Forum

Venue: Kampala Sheraton Hotel
Date: 20th – 22nd November 2007
Theme: The Commonwealth: The Untapped Potential

Commonwealth Youth Forum

Venue: Botanical Imperial Hotel Entebbe
Date: To be communicated
Theme: To be communicated