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Right to Information Learning Programme

  The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) will host the Right to Information Learning Programme in India from May 23-May 29.

May 17, 2016 Blog

CHRI and Partners Launch Groundbreaking 101 guide in Kenya

  17 May, 2016 The Chief Justice of Kenya Willy Mutunga, Danish Ambassador Hon.

May 13, 2016 In-the-news Prison Reform

Palestinian makes desperate efforts to return home to Gaza

  By Pradipta Tapadar (PTI) Kolkata - 13 May 2016 Twenty-seven years after he came to India with the dream of graduating from a university in the country, Fatouh Ahmed Mahmud Abu Satta is facing an uncertain future as his return to his home in Gaza in Palestine is stuck in red tap

May 12, 2016 Blog

CHRI Findings: Monitoring Indian Jails

  May 12, 2016 All state institutions require monitoring. Closed ones even more so. Letting the outside in is particularly essential in prisons where the state has complete control over the lives of those who have lost their liberty.

May 11, 2016 In-the-news Police Reform

Theft most common crime in Delhi and Mumbai

Theft has emerged as the most common crime in New Delhi and Mumbai. Mobile phones were most commonly lost in Mumbai and Delhi followed by luggage and theft of wallet, purse or cash. This has emerged in a public survey conducted by Nielsen India Pvt Ltd and Commonwealth Health Rights Initiative.

May 09, 2016 In-the-news Police Reform

In charts: Less than 50 per cent of crimes in Delhi and Mumbai are actually reported to the police

Theft, assault and sexual harassment are the most common crimes, but a new survey claims that the police don't hear about most of them.

May 05, 2016 Blog

Maldives: Democracy in Free Fall.

  05 May, 2016 Maldivian democracy continues on a downward spiral despite Commonwealth warnings.   A peaceful Labour Day march organised by eight Maldivian NGOs ended with police pulling protesters off public streets on 1st May 2016.

Apr 27, 2016 In-the-news Police Reform

45 percent Delhi residents wary of public transport

In a comparative survey between Mumbai and Delhi that analysed crime victimisation and public safety perception, data revealed that more people in the national capital worry about their safety when they have to use public transport after 9 pm.

Apr 27, 2016 Press-releases

The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative Launches Trailblazing Report on Crime and Safety

PRESS STATEMENT The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative Launches Trailblazing Report on Crime and Safety The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) has launched one of the first surveys on crime victimisation and public safety perception.

Apr 26, 2016 In-the-news Access to Justice

Study shows theft of phones and cars a serious problem in Delhi

New Delhi: A study conducted by the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) has established that theft is the most commonly experienced crime in the capital, with mobile phones being the most purloined product.