5(1) of the Central Act requires the appointment of as many Public
Information Officers (PIOs) in "all administrative units and offices"
of the public authority as are necessary to provide the public with
access to information. In practice, this means that virtually every
government office should have someone in them who is designated
as the PIO who will be responsible for receiving and processing
the PIO should be a senior person in the office so that they have
the authority to make decisions on whether to release documents.
Otherwise, if too junior a person is nominated they may be more
reluctant to release information for fear of making a mistake and
getting into trouble. This may make them err on the side of caution
- as a result of which they may undermine the spirit of open government
that the Central Act seeks to entrench.
It is important that all officers within each public authority understand
the role of the PIO as they will be the "face of RTI" as far as
other officials - as well as the public - are concerned. Sections
5(4) and (5) make it clear that all officers - no matter their seniority
- have a duty to support the work of the PIO and to assist them
to process applications, when requested.
generally have two key responsibilities:
requests: Requests are either sent directly to the PIO (or
under the Central Act they can also be given to an Assistant
PIO (APIO) who forwards it to the PIO). They can be given by
hand, mailed by post or even emailed. The Central Act and most
State Acts place a responsibility on the PIO to assist applicants
to frame their request if they have difficulty writing up the
request appropriately or if they are illiterate. The PIO (and
APIO) is also responsible for issuing a receipt for the application.
to requests: The PIO is responsible for processing the request.
Generally, this means that they will first need to find all
the information requested. This may require them to ask other
officers within the organisation to help to find information.
They might even need to ask other departments to assist. The
PIO will then need to look at the information collected and
decide, taking into account the exemptions in the law, whether
any or all of the information needs to be withheld from release.
The PIO will then notify the applicant of their decision, within
set time limits.
is essential that the PIO understands the operation of the RTI law
in detail. Although all members of the organisation should be given
on the relevant RTI law so that they understand their obligations
and those of the organisation more generally, it is absolutely essential
that the PIO is trained on the law as a matter of priority. They
will be the first person responsible for applying the Act to applications,
so it is important that they are confident in interpreting and applying
the various provisions of the law.
