to information laws impose duties of openness on all officials working
in public offices which are covered by the law. For the law to be
implemented, all officials who work at a public organisation need
to be committed to openness - because they are the ones who will
create and manage the information that the public will be requesting.
If they don't understand their duties properly or if they are not
committed to implementing the law, then its effective operation
will become more difficult.
Recognising how important it is that all officials covered by the
law understand it and support it, experience has shown that one
of the most important activities that needs to be undertaken when
preparing to implement any RTI law is to provide training to all
officials. Section
26 (d) of the Central Act specifically places an obligation
on the Central and State Governments to provide training to public
officials. As a priority, all Public
Information Officers (PIOs) and Appellate
Authorities need to be fully trained on what their responsibilities
are under the law, how to manage applications/appeals and of course,
how to apply and interpret the law.
As the front-line officers who are responsible for implementing
the law, PIOs must have a complete understanding of the law so that
they can answer questions from both the public and other officers.
More specifically, they should be aware of their duty to advise
and assist information requesters. Likewise, they should be fully
aware that they have a right to call on any officer for assistance,
and that officer has a duty to help them. They should be given guidance
on who they approach if they are unsure whether to release information.
They should also be given assistance to implement the law's proactive
disclosure provisions.
Authorities should also be given training because they are the officers
who will be responsible for overseeing the work of the PIOs. They
need to know what the PIOs duties are, so they can assess whether
they have been properly discharged. Appellate Authorities will also
need to be given in-depth training on the specific provisions in
the law, in particular the exemptions provisions, because they are
the ones who will be called on to settle disputes. They need to
understand when the exemptions can and can't be applied, to make
sure that PIOs are not unfairly/improperly rejecting applications.
is already some experience at the State level of developing and
implementing effective RTI training programmes for officials. In
Maharashtra for example, in 2003, YASHADA, the government training
institution, began implementing a major RTI
training programme around the State RTI law. YASHADA trained
all PIOs and Appellate Authorities and are now rolling out training
for other officials throughout the State. In Madhya Pradesh, the
Prashasan Academy, the government training institution, is providing
training for all District Collectors on right to information as
training should be ongoing. As the law is implemented, problems
will be identified and these will need to be discussed with staff
and solutions found. Over time, staff might become unclear about
their duties under the RTI Act or have questions about implementation,
so they should be given regular refresher training to make sure
they all know what to do. The training programme should also be
regularly reviewed to ensure that it takes into account suggestions
from the public, the State's
RTI Council(s) (if any) and staff.
experience has shown that training for public officials can involve
both Government and NGOs. In South Africa, training of information
officers and deputy information officers has been carried out by
various organisations including the South Africa Human Rights Commission,
the Justice College and the Open Democracy Advice Centre (an NGO).
In Jamaica, the Access to Information Unit set up by the Government,
has conducted a series of training workshops in conjunction with
the Records and Archives Department of Government and their Management
Institute for National Development. In England and Scotland, their
Information Commissioners (independent offices set up to oversee
the Act and handle appeals) have been conducting training and producing
guidance notes to assist organisations to prepare for implementing
the law.
you want to develop your own training modules for public officials
on RTI, the following generic training module is a useful place
to start:
click on the link to the Central
RTI Act to read the detailed provisions contained in the law.
Please click on the link to CHRI's
State RTI pages to find out more about relevant rules and implementation
in your specific State.
