CHRI In The News


Rape remark: Rights group flays BassiCHRI in the News

Police commissioner B S Bassi came under flak from an international human rights group for his comment during the annual press conference on Tuesday in which he said the department is willing to kill rapists if the Constitution allows it.


Bassi's comment on perpetrators of crime against woman worries CHRICHRI in the News

Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) today expressed concern over Delhi Police Commissioner B S Bassi's remark made on perpetrators of crime against woman at the polices annual press conference on January 4.


Bassi’s “shoot or hang” comes in for criticismCHRI in the News

An NGO has hit out at the Delhi Police commissioner’s recent remark that his force would not mind shooting or hanging on the spot the perpetrators of crimes against women if permitted by the Constitution.


Human rights groups up in arms against BassiCHRI in the News

Delhi Police Commissioner BS Bassi has raked up a controversy yet again. Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) has attacked Bassi for his statement regarding the treatment of rapists. His remarks are bound to uphold human rights.


Bassi's comments on hanging 'disturbing': Rights groupCHRI in the News

Days after Delhi Police Commissioner B.S. Bassi said police would "shoot or hang" perpetrators of crimes against women on the spot if the law allowed it, a rights group on Wednesday termed the comment "disturbing".


Concerns raised over Bassis shooting or hanging criminalsCHRI in the News

Concerned over Delhi Police Commissioner B S Bassis recent statement about "shooting or hanging" the perpetrators of crime against women, a Human Rights organisation today said that police are not meant to judge and punish but to uphold the law.


Concerns Raised Over Bassi's 'Shooting or Hanging' Criminals RemarksCHRI in the News

Concerned over Delhi Police Commissioner B S Bassi's recent statement about "shooting or hanging" the perpetrators of crime against women, a Human Rights organisation today said that police are not meant to judge and punish but to uphold the law.


RTI activists see red over SIC’s ban on postal orderCHRI in the News

The State Information Commission’s (SIC) order that Indian Postal Orders (IPO) are not a valid mode of payment for submitting Right to Information applications has irked RTI activists.


Surplus of senior policemen despite overall staff crunchCHRI in the News

Delhi Police have an overall staff shortage of six per cent, but there is a surplus at the ranks of special commissioner and joint commissioner.

A white paper released by two NGOs revealed that the shortfall was from the posts of additional commissioner to constable. In 2014, the total strength of the force was 77,083 when the sanction was of 82,242 – a shortfall of 5,005.


Study reveals ‘Muslim areas of Delhi are less crime-infested’; Crime against women alarmingCHRI in the News

In the heinous crime map of Delhi, Muslim-dominated neighbourhoods can be termed as ‘brighter’ spots in comparison to other localities of the national capital. Furthermore, not a single gang-rape crime reported from any of the Muslim localities except Jamia Nagar reported 17 rape cases which is the highest number in Muslim-concentrated localities while Jama Masjid reported not a single rape case. These revealing facts may smash the general-perception that minority-areas are crime-infested