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Apr 01, 2022 New Delhi


Mr VENKATESH NAYAK is associated with CHRI in various capacities since April 2000. Before appointment as Director, CHRI India office, he was Programme Head of our Access to Information Programme since 2005 and was officiating as Director-in-Charge since December 2021. Mr.

Apr 01, 2022 About Us

Mr Venkatesh Nayak Takes Over as Director, CHRI India as Mr Sanjoy Hazarika, Steps Down as International Director, CHRI

The Executive Committee (EC) of Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI), India, is pleased to appoint Mr. Venkatesh Nayak, Head, Access to Information Programme, as the new Director and Chief functionary of CHRI India, with effect from 16 May 2022. Mr.

Mar 14, 2022 Blog

Back to basics on human rights - the terrible lessons from Ukraine

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Is that an over-used quotation from Lord Acton’s letter in 1887 to Bishop Mandell Creighton? I don’t think so. Lord Acton was perfectly encapsulating ideas expressed by others before him.

Feb 28, 2022 Publications International Advocacy and Programming

HRC49: Open Letter To States On The Draft Resolution On Human Rights Defenders

CHRI is one of the signatories to this statement at the HRC signed by numerous CSOs urging the HRC to adopt a resolution "on human rights defenders operating in conflict and post-conflict situations.

Jan 28, 2022 About Us

London Office

Legal Research and Advocacy Officer, London office The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) is offering an exciting opportunity to work in a fast-paced environment, contributing to our human rights programmes in the areas of policy and legal analysis, research and advocacy.

Dec 17, 2021 In-the-news International Advocacy and Programming

Domestic Work is Work: 10 years after the adoption of the Domestic Workers Convention, domestic workers are still fighting for recognition

17 December 2021 Sneh Aurora, Director, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative Laura Skadhauge Bloom, Legal Research and Advocacy Officer, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative A decade ago, domestic workers rallied around a simple argument: Domestic Work is Work.

Dec 17, 2021 Press-releases

CHRI calls for decongestion of prisons: latest study shows 23% increase in prison population, lakhs more arrested in pandemic

  New Delhi, December 17, 2021 – The latest analysis on prison occupancy released today by the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative shows a 23 percent increase in the last two years, with over nine lakh more arrests during the pandemic alone.

Dec 14, 2021 Press-releases

CEHAT and CHRI: Urge Govt of India and NHRC to issue guidelines on medico legal examination of custodial torture and death

Mumbai/New Delhi, December 14, 2021 – The Centre for Enquiry Into Health and Allied Themes (CEHAT) and Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI)  urged the Government of India and the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to issue detailed guidelines in conformity with international s

Dec 10, 2021 Publications International Advocacy and Programming

Domestic Work is Work: Using ILO Convention 189 to Protect Workers Rights Across the Commonwealth

2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the Domestic Workers Convention (C189) - a landmark international treaty requiring decent work for domestic workers.

Dec 10, 2021 Press-releases

Human Rights Day 2021: Commonwealth must acknowledge Domestic Work is Work

London, United Kingdom, 10 December 2021 (10:00 AM GMT) — To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Domestic Workers Convention (C189), today, International Human Rights Day, the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) released its new report: Domestic Work is Work: Using ILO Convention 1