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Pakistan : Publications and Resources

Police Organization in Pakistan During the early months of the year, CHRI worked in close consultation with the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) based in Lahore in conducting research and finalising the publication titled Police Organisations in Pakistan.


Pakistan : Legal Analysis

Anti-Terrorism (Amendment) Bill 2010 On 27 July 2010, the Interior Minister of Pakistan, Mr Rehman Malik, introduced the Anti-Terrorism (Amendment) Bill 2010 in the Senate. The Bill was introduced in wake of the expiry of the Anti-Terrorism (Amendment) Ordinance 2010 that lapsed in early June.


Pakistan : Workshops and Consultations

CHRI-CRCP Consultation on Police Reforms, July 2008 CHRI’s first programming visit to Pakistan took place in July 2008.

The Maldives

The Maldives : Workshops and Consultations

13-14 July 2010: Workshop on “Police reforms in the Maldives: Strategies, Obstacles, and Way Forward” In order to promote better understanding of policing issues in the Maldives, CHRI has been working closely with the Maldivian Democracy Network (MDN) and the Human Rights Commission o


Building The Capacity Of Partners & Networking

Mumbai: CHRI’s endeavour is to build the capacity and support existing partners and new partners and also network with new partners when opportunity arises.


Public Education Materials

101 Things You Wanted To Know About The Police But Were Too Afraid To Ask: This booklet is published for a lay audience to help dispel common myths about policing.


Monthly Broadsheet Lok Police

Lok Police is a monthly tabloid aimed at engaging with, and strengthening knowledge base, of personnel posted at the police station level, that is the investigative officers as well as the constabulary.

Where we Work

Police Reforms : South Asia

Bangladesh, India, the Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka make up Commonwealth South Asia. Policing in this particular region contends with diverse societies, violent crime, protracted conflict, poverty, and political unrest.

Access to Justice

Police Reform

CHRI's police reforms programme aims to realise increased demand for rights-based police reform and the strengthening of police accountability in the Commonwealth.


Right to Information

Public accountability is one of the essential ingredients of transparent governance. The need for such accountability increases manifold when the institution in subject is a prison.