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787 results found
Mar 03, 2021 Publications International Advocacy and Programming

HRC46: CHRI's Video Intervention in the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Sale and Sexual Exploitation of Children

02 March 2020, Geneva: CHRI delivered a video oral statement in the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the sale and exploitation of children, including child prostitution, child pornography and any other child sexual abuse material (Agenda Item 3) at the 46th Regular Session of the

Mar 01, 2021 Publications Police Reform

Urgent Appeal to NHRC on illegal detention, arbitrary arrest and custodial torture of Mr. Shiv Kumar by Haryana Police

Urgent Appeal to the National Human Rights Commission on the  abduction, illegal detention, arbitrary arrest and custodial torture of HRD Mr. Shiv Kumar in Sonipat by Haryana Police.

Feb 02, 2021 Press-releases

Statement by CHRI on criminal cases against media

  Feb 2, New Delhi, India --Over the past months, and especially in recent days, across the length and breadth of India, for different reasons and in different jurisdictions, criminal cases have proliferated against media professionals.

Jan 28, 2021 Publications Access to Justice

India Justice Report 2020

The second edition of the India Justice Report is all about comparisons and tracking the rise and falls in each state’s structural and financial capacity to deliver justice. Using the latest available government figures the first ever ranking was published in November 2019.

Jan 13, 2021 Press-releases

CHRI joins partner NGOs to urge all members of the UN Human Rights Council to elect its President for 2021 based on the membership criteria outlined in UNGA Resolution 60/251

 Jan 13, 2021 To: Members of the UN Human Rights Council CC: Observer States of the UN Human Rights Council  Re: Elections of the UN Human Rights Council President for the 15th cycle in 2021 Excellencies, On 12 January 2021, the UN Human Rights Council (the Council) announc

Jan 07, 2021 Publications Police Reform

Resource Directory to Assist Women and Children Facing Violence in Mumbai

The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, in partnership with the City Core Group (a Mumbai-based network of civil society organizations, lawyers and activists) has developed a resource directory aimed at women and child survivors affected by and/or facing violence as well as support persons or orga

Dec 19, 2020 Press-releases

One year since the arbitrary ban of Maldivian rights group the Maldivian Democracy Network

Today marks one year since the Government of the Maldives arbitrarily shut down the longest serving human rights group in the country, the Maldivian Democracy Network (MDN) and arbitrarily confiscated all of its funds.

Dec 19, 2020 Press-releases

CHRI’s New Report Records Reduction in Prison Overcrowding, Urges Continuing Efforts with Supreme Court Monitoring

Dec 19, 2020 New Delhi. Underlining the record reduction in India’s prison population by 10.

Oct 05, 2020 Publications International Advocacy and Programming

Easier Said Than Done (ESTD) Report Based on The 42nd Session Of The Un Human Rights Council

The 'Easier Said Than Done' (ESTD) report is a part of the flagship series produced by CHRI's International Advocacy and Programming (IAP) Unit.

Nov 27, 2020 Events

Lost Identity: Transgender Persons in Indian Prisons

Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative in collaboration with University of Dundee is organising the launch of report, 'Lost Identity: Transgender Persons in Indian Prisons'. The report will be launched by Justice Madan B Lokur (Retd.