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Aug 10, 2020 Press-releases

Foreign prisoners at risk, enquire into death of Ugandan national in Tihar: CHRI

  New Delhi, August 9, 2020 – Calling on state governments, the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India to work closely with diplomatic missions in ensuring the safety and well-being of foreign national prisoners, the Commonwealth Human Rights Ini

Aug 06, 2020 Press-releases

SAMDEN: Sierra Leone repeal of defamation law shows govts can create safe media environment

New Delhi/Kathmandu/Dhaka/Colombo/Boston, August 6, 2020 – The recent repeal of Sierra Leone’s infamous criminal defamation law marks a major victory for media freedom, even as many journalists continue to be harassed, intimidated and detained for critical COVID-19 reporting, the South A

Jul 30, 2020 Publications International Advocacy and Programming

Eradicating Modern Slavery: An assessment of Commonwealth governments' progress on achieving SDG Target 8.7

    1 in every 150 people in the Commonwealth are living in modern slavery.     This publication highlights Commonwealth government action and inaction to tackle contemporary forms of slavery.

Aug 05, 2020 Press-releases

Constitutional Process key to Political Transition in Guyana – CHRI

New Delhi, August 5, 2020 – The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) said today that upholding of the Constitutional process helped Guyana in its political transition, ending a long dispute over the result of the general elections.

Jul 30, 2020 Press-releases

Commonwealth 8.7 Network Statement: World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

July 30, 2020 This World Day Against Trafficking in Persons marks the seventh day of its kind. Human trafficking, a widespread violation of the most basic human rights, touches communities the world over. There are approximately 40.

Jul 30, 2020 Press-releases

Commonwealth countries must act urgently to meet modern slavery targets

July 30,2020 New Delhi/London/Perth Commonwealth countries have made little progress towards their commitment to eradicate modern slavery by 2030, despite an estimated 1 in every 150 people in the Commonwealth living in conditions of modern slavery.

Jul 23, 2020 Publications Prison Reform

Report of the National Consultation on Prisons: Ensuring an Effective Response to COVID-19

Madhya Pradesh Prisons and Correctional Services and Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) jointly organised the National Consultation on Prisons: Ensuring an Effective Response to COVID-19 on the 20th of June, 2020.

Jul 23, 2020 Press-releases

Don’t Compromise Prisoners’ Rights – Prioritise Healthcare: CHRI

July 23, 2020 The Central and state governments in India must adhere to national protocols and international standards in ensuring that rights of prisoners are upheld and not compromised during the pandemic, the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) said today.

Jul 18, 2020 Publications Police Reform

Fair Trial Manual 2019

The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) is delighted to announce the publication of the new and revised edition of the Fair Trial Manual, edited by Maja Daruwala, Senior Adviser, Tata Trusts and CHRI, and Prof Mrinal Satish of the National Law University Delhi (NLUD).

Jul 17, 2020 Press-releases

New edition of Fair Trials Manual, edited by Maja Daruwala and Prof Mrinal Satish

July 17, 2020 New Delhi The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) is delighted to announce the publication of the new and revised edition of the Fair Trial Manual, edited by Maja Daruwala, Senior Adviser, Tata Trusts and CHRI, and Prof Mrinal Satish of the National Law University Delhi (