and Articles
States for country-specific articles.
- ActionAid and CHRI (2008) The
Governance Link, Information Access and People's Power,
Issue 5, November 2008.
- Anders Chydenius Foundation (2006) The
World's First Freedom of Information Act - Anders Chydenius's
Legacy Today.
- Transparency International (2006) Using
the Right to Information as an Anti-Corruption Tool.
- Publish What You Pay (2006) Eye
on the EITI.
- Global Transparency Initiative (2006) Behind
Closed Doors: Secrecy in International Financial Institutions.
- Global Transparency Initiative (2006) Assessing
World Bank Openness: A Transparency Scorecard, September.
- The Open Society Justice Initiative (2006)
and Silence - a survey of access to information laws and practices
in 14 countries.
- Global Transparency Initiative (2006) Transparency
Charter for International Financial Institutions.
- The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
(2006) Final
Report of the International Advisory Group.
- Rebecca Carr (2006) Overhaul
of Freedom of Information Act stalled, The Austin-American
Statesman, 6 August.
- European Information Service (2006) Transparency
drive extends to EU structural funds, 2 August.
- Bretton Woods Project (2006) European
CSO open statement on governance reform of the IMF, 17 July.
- David Banisar (2006) Freedominfo.org's
Global Survey of Freedom of Information Laws for 2006 current
to July 2006.
- Jimmy Carter (2006) We
need fewer secrets, Washington Post, 3 July.
- Coalition of Journalists for Open Government
(2006) Frequent
Filers: Businesses Make FOIA Their Business, 3 July.
- UNDP and UN Office of the High Representative
for Least Developed Countries (2006) Governance
for the Future: Democracy and Development in LDCs.
- (2006) International
Non-Government Organisation Charter.
- CHRI (2006) Letter
urging the UNDP to adhere to its Information Disclosure Policy,
27 June.
- UNDP (2006) UNDP
and the Right to Information - Seminar Report, 22-23 May
2006 with annex
3 background paper and annexes
3, 4
and 5.
- Charmaine Rodrigues (2006) Promoting
Public Accountability in Overseas Development Assistance,
Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, April.
- Misha and Shekhar Singh (2006) Transparency
and the Natural Environment, Economic and Political Weekly,
15 April.
- Ackerman and Sandoval-Ballesteros (2006) The
Global Explosion of Freedom of Information Laws, Administrative
Law Review, Vol. 58 No. 1, Winter.
- UNDP Democratic Governance Group (2006) A
Guide to Measuring the Impact of Right to Information Programmes
- Practical Guidance Note.
- (2006) TI
Anti-Corruption Handbook (ACH): National Integrity System in
- Toby Mendel (2005) Parliament
and Access to Information: Working for Transparent Governance,
World Bank Institute and Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.
- (2005) Handbook:
An Introduction to Openness and Access to Information.
- ODAC (undated) Public
Accountability and Multilateral Governance: Challeges for the
African Region.
- Charmaine Rodrigues (2004) The
Right To Information: The Key To Deepening Democracy And Development,
paper submitted to the CPA Annual Meeting, Toronto, 6 September.
- UNDP (2004) Access
to Information Literature Review (a list of useful right
to information articles, resources and links), current to July
- Paul Uhlir (2004) Policy
Guidelines for the Development and Promotion of Governmental
Public Domain Information
- David Banisar (2004) The
FREEDOMINFO.ORG Global Survey: Freedom of Information and Access
to Government Records Around the World, current to 12 May
- CHOGM Report (2003) Open
Sesame : Looking for the Right to Information in the Commonwealth
- Toby Mendel (2003) Freedom
on Information: A Comparative Legal Survey (analyses laws
in India, Pakistan, South Africa, the United Kingdom and others),
Article 19.
- David Goldberg (2002) Advocating
for the Right to Information - The Swedish "Oddity"?,
- David Banisar (2002) Freedom
of Information: International Trends and National Security,
Geneva, 3-5 October.
- Thomas Blanton (2002) "The
World's Right to Know", Foreign Policy.
- Article 19 (2001) Submission
To The High-Level Review Group On The Future Of The Commonwealth:
Focus On Freedom Of Information.
- First Amendment Centre and American Society
of Newspaper Editors (2001) Freedom
of Information in the Digital Age.
- Robert Martin and Estelle Feldman (1999) Access
to Information in Developing Countries, a study prepared
for Transparency International.
- (1998) Report
of the Working Group on Transparency and Accountability.
- The Carter Centre (2010) Africa Regional Findings and Plan of Action for the Advancement of the Right of Access to Information, Accra, Ghana.
- CHRI (2006) Recommendations
for Strengthening the EBRD's Public Information Policy Implementing
- Global Transparency Initiative (2006) Briefing
note on the EBRD Public Information Policy, 6 December.
- OSJI, Access Info Europe and Article19 (2006)
regarding the elaboration of a Council of Europe Treaty on Access
to Official Documents, November.
- ARTICLE 19 (2006) Checklist
for the Implementation of Declaration of Principles on Freedom
of Expression in Africa, 6 November.
- Imran Ali (2006) The
Right to Information, Fiji Times, 14 August.
- Pacific Media and Communications Facility (2006)
Disclosure Toolkit.
- Pacific Media and Communications Facility (2006)
Information Disclosure Policies.
- Firoze Manji (2006) Improving
compliance with African Treaties conclusions of a civil
society workshop held in Banjul, The Gambia, 26-28 June 2006,
African Monitor, 29 June.
- CPA and CHRI (2006) Report
on Freedom of Information Workshop for Pacific MPs, 1-2
September 2005, Nadi Fiji.
- The Pacific Media and Communications Facility
(2005) Informing
Citizens: Opportunities for Media and Communications in the
Pacific, June.
- CPA and CHRI (2005) Conclusions
from Freedom of Information Workshop for Pacific MPs, 1-2
September 2005, Nadi Fiji.
- Charmaine Rodrigues and Indra Jeet Mistry (2005)
Good Governance & Sustainable Development by Promoting ICT
Strategies Based On The Right to Information, Commonwealth
Human Rights Initiative.
- ODAC (undated) Public
Accountability and Multilateral Governance: Challeges for the
African Region.
- Justice Initiative (2004) Access
to Information Still Hard to Get in Five Countries, Results
of the Open Society Justice Initiative Access to Information
Monitoring Tool.
- Deepika Mogilshetty (2003) Access
to information: A comparative overview of laws in India and
Pakistan, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative.
- Kati Suominen (2002) Access
to Information in Latin America and The Carribean a project
of the Inter-American Dialogue.
- Professor Dan Paterson (2000) "Legal
Challenges for Small Pacific Jurisdictions in Relation to Privacy,
Freedom of Information and Access to Justice", 4 Journal
of South Pacific Law 4.
- Evan Ruth (2000) Freedom
of Information in Southern Africa, Article 19.
- Edetaen Ojo (2000) Information
and Power in an African Context.
- Article 19 (1999) The
Public's Right to Know: Principles on Freedom of Information
- Seyoum Hameso (1995) Politics
of freedom of information in Africa.
