laws in some countries provide for the setting up of an Information
Commission as the ultimate appellate and oversight body overseeing
implementation and oversight of the law. The world over, there are
different models of Information Commissions exist, but in general
they have similar functions to act as external independent authorities
with a mandate to supervise implementation of the right to information.
- List of International Information Commissions
- Commonwealth Information Commissions
- UK Information Commissioner's Office (2006) 4th
International Conference of Information Commissioners transcript
of day 1.
- UK Information Commissioner's Office (2006) 4th
International Conference of Information Commissioners transcript
of day 2.
- Annenberg School of Communications (2006) The
Federal Institute for Access to Information in Mexico and a Culture
of Transparency, a study on the development and functioning
of the Mexican Freedom of Information Commission (IFAI).
- (2004) Report
of the Second International Conference of Information Commissioners,
organised by the South African Human Rights Commission, held in
Cape Town South Africa, 2-3 February 2004.
- Juan Pablo Guerrero (2005) The
Mexican Transparency Law: Design and Implementation Experiences,
Mexican Information Commissioner, paper produced for CHRI Conference,
May 2005.
- Marc-Aurele Racicot (2005) The
Access to Information Act: The Canadian Experience, Assistant
Adjunct Professor, University of Alberta, on secondment from the
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada, paper produced
for CHRI Conference, May 2005.
- Phil Boyd (2005) Applying
the Freedom of Information Act 2000 In Practice, Assistant
Information Commissioner of the UK, paper produced for CHRI Conference,
May 2005.
- Mothusi Lepheana (2005) Overview
of Implementation of Freedom of Information Legislation, Director,
Access to Information Unit, South African Human Rights Commission,
paper produced for CHRI Conference, May 2005.
- Aylair Livingstone (2005)
Implementation of the Access to Information Act: The Jamaican
Experience - Challenges and Successes. Director, Access to
Information Unit, Jamaica, paper produced for CHRI Conference,
May 2005.
- UK Department for Constitutional Affairs (2005)
of Understanding between Secretary of State for Constitutional
Affairs and the Information Commissioner on Co-Operation Between
Government Departments and Office of the Information Commissioner.
