International Right to Information (RTI) Program focuses on monitoring
and supporting the push for recognition and implementation of the
right to information throughout the 53 states of the Commonwealth,
and the institutions of the Commonwealth itself.
practice, the program includes the following:
CHRI works to support the local efforts of right to information
advocates in member states. A key feature of CHRI's International
RTI Program is networking and partnering with grassroots organisations
throughout the Commonwealth which are committed to the right to
information. Organisations that wish to work with CHRI should not
hesitate to contact us.
for legislating and implementing RTI: Facilitating the
effective entrenchment of the right to access to information in
member states and the institutions of the Commonwealth is one of
the key aims of CHRI's International RTI Program. To this end, CHRI
is active not only in reviewing and commenting upon draft laws,
but also in assisting like-minded organisations to exchange best
practice and lessons learned.
CHRI's advocacy in support of the right to information is primarily
directed towards the Official Commonwealth, governments and key
stakeholders in member states, as well as the citizens of the Commonwealth
CHRI organises and participates in right to information workshops
designed to raise awareness of the value of the right to information
- among policy-makers, NGOs and the public - and to disseminate
best practice and lessons learned. CHRI's next major RTI workshop
will be held just prior to the Commonwealth Heads of Government
Meeting in Abuja, Nigeria in December 2003.
& Publications: CHRI is active in undertaking original
RTI research and producing RTI publications, including our seminal
report, "Open Sesame: Looking for the Right to Information
in the Commonwealth".
RTI resources: This website is a key feature of CHRI's
International International RTI Program, as the related pages provide
a collection of materials of relevance to Commonwealth RTI advocates,
including international standards, Commonwealth guidelines and member
states' laws. CHRI also sources relevant articles on the right to
information from throughout the world and collects them on this
website as a Commonwealth-specific resource for RTI advocates in
every member state.
