Right to Information:
Email Alerts
- Public Interest Disclosure Bill- what it may contain and what it may imply (23 February, 2010).
- Illegality of Rule 7 in J&K RTI Rules in light of CIC's decision on additional fees under Central RTI Act (11 November, 2009).
- Interpreting the scope of Section 7(3) of RTI Act- no provision for charging wages of officers rules CIC (10 November, 2009). Please click here to see the decision.
- Voluntary Disclosure of Assets by the Lok Ayukta in Karnataka (22 October, 2009).
- List of topics from Union Cabinet Meetings between 1 Aug-3 Sep 2009-Accessed under RTI (21 October, 2009).
- Interpreting the scope of Section 7(3) of RTI Act- what happened at the CIC hearing (24 September, 2009).
- Interpreting the scope of Section 7(3) of RTI Act- CIC's larger bench to rehear the matter on 23rd September at 4.00pm at ISTM, Old JNU Campus (11 September, 2009). Please click here to see the CHRI submission on how this important section relating to additional fees must be interpreted.
- A quick analysis of the Delhi High Court Order on Judges' Assets Declaration (10 September, 2009). Please click here to see the complete text of the decision.
- Disseminating Information Accessed under the RTI Act- Reports related to Schedule V Areas (habitat of ethnic communities) (10 August, 2009). We have attached the scanned document for your reference.
- Transparency in the Disclosure of Assets by Judges - Basic components of a disclosure law and what we can learn from other countries (10 August, 2009).
- Amendment of the RTI Act- DoPT email addresses are difficult to access (10 August, 2009).
- DoPT officially confirms again that the RTI Act will be amended (05 August, 2009).
- Proactive Disclosure of non-strategic information- An Initiative of the Government of Karnataka (29 July, 2009).
- DARPG Guidelines on Email Management in the Government of India (27 July, 2009).
- Proactive Disclosure of Quarterly Action Plan- Good Practice from the Union Ministry of Home Affairs (20 July, 2009).
- Declaration of Assets by Judges - What we can learn from Argentina (17 July, 2009).
- Information Commission in India orders disclosure of letters of support given by political parties (16 July, 2009).
- CIC orders disclosure of letters of support for the UPA given to the President (16 July, 2009).
- Interpreting the scope of Section 7(3) of RTI Act- CIC's larger bench to rehear the matter on 17th August at 4.00pm at ISTM, Old JNU Campus (16 July, 2009).
DoPT’s circular that benches must hear every case as a body (30 June, 2009)
- Central Information Commission turning into a parking lot (27 June, 09).
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