Level RTI: Delhi
recently, Delhi was one of only 9 States in India to have enacted
right to information laws. The Delhi
Right to Information Act 2001 was passed on 16 May 2001 and
came into force on 2 October 2001. About 119 departments have been
brought under the preview of the Act.
enacting the Act, the Government of the National Capital Territory
of Delhi formed a Working Group under the auspices of the Secretary
Services, General Administration, Training, Administrative Reforms
and Public Relations. The Working Group made recommendations to
enact a law along the lines of the Goa
Right to Information Act. The Working Group emphasised the value
of setting up a Right to Information Council to oversee the implementation
of the new right to information law. This suggestion was included
in the Act as it was finally passed, although the effectiveness
of the Delhi
Right to Information Council in overseeing the Act and ensuring
proper implementation was arguable.
Delhi Public
Grievances Commission (PGC) headed by Chairman, Shailaja Chandra
was set up as the Appellate Authority to hear appeals under the
Delhi Right to Information Act. Citizens could lodge
complaints with the Commission via the PGC website.
May 2005, the national Right
to Information Act 2005 was passed by Parliament. The RTI Act
2005 received Presidential assent on 15 June and came fully into
force on 12 October 2005. (For more information on the passage of
the Act and implementation at the national level, click here.)
The RTI Act 2005 covers all Central, State and local government
bodies and applies to the Government of Delhi.
Chief Minister, Sheila Dixit, has said with the Centre's permission
the Delhi
Right to Information Act 2001 will be repealed in favour of
the RTI Act 2005. Currently however, the Delhi
Right to Information Act 2001 is still in force concurrently
with the national RTI Act. Notably though, the Delhi Government
is now working to implement the new national RTI Act, on the assumption
that it will be the primary legislation in Delhi used by citizens
to access information. Click here to view the Right
to Information Regulation of Fee and Cost Rules 2005 and Right
to Information Appeal Rules 2005 notified by the Central Government
which is applicable in Delhi.
Information Commission
S.N. |
of Commissioner |
Wajahat Habibullah
Central Chief Information Commissioner |
Information Commission
306,2nd Floor, August Kranti Bhawan
Bhikaji Cama place,
New Delhi–110066
Off: 011 – 26717355
Email: whabibullah@nic.in
Website: http://www.cic.gov.in
A.N. Tiwari
Central Information Commissioner |
5th Floor,Block IV, Old JNU Campus
New Delhi–110067
Off: 011 – 26167931
Email: an.tiwari@nic.in
Omita Paul
Central Information Commissioner |
Prof. M.M Ansari
Central Information Commissioner |
Information Commission
306,2nd Floor,August Kranti Bhawan
Bhikaji Cama place,
New Delhi–110066
Off: 011 – 26717356
Email: mm.ansari@nic.in
Anupama Dixit
Central Information Commissioner |
Room No.6, Club building, Old JNU Campus
New Delhi–110067
Off: 011 – 26161997
Email: adixit@nic.in
Shri Satyananda Mishra
Central Information Commissioner |
Shri M.L Sharma
Central Information Commissioner |
No-308, II Floor
Augaust Kranti Bhawan,
Bhikaji Cama Place,
New Delhi–110066
Off: 011 – 26162662
Email: sharma.ml@nic.in
Shailesh Gandhi
Central Information Commissioner |
No:415, IV floor, Block IV
Old JNU Campus,
New Delhi–110067
Off: 011 – 26161796
Email: shaileshgandhi@nic.in
Activities & Advocacy
- The Delhi Government website on Right to Information
provides citizens with information on the Central RTI Act 2005
and the Delhi Right to Information Act. Under the Central RTI
Act 2005, the website lists instructions
to departments, a users
manual for PIOs, list of departmental PIOs, forms for download
and allows PIOs and citizens to check the status
of applications. The website also provides access to the 17
manuals prepared by departments to meet their proactive disclosure
obligations under the Central Act.
- The second meeting of the State
Council for Right to Information to review the implementation
of the Delhi Right to Information Act for the period commencing
from 2 October 2001 to 30 September 2005 was held on 27 October
2005. It was reported in the meeting that 9,060 applications were
received of which 95% had been disposed, 479 applications were
in process. Information in respect of 7,692 cases had been provided,
appeals were filed in 1,560 cases out of which 1,454 appeals had
been decided and 1,070 appeals had been allowed. It was reported
that the Committee would soon be its implementation report. Chairing
the meeting, Delhi Chief Minister Shiela Dikshit described the
RTI Act 2005 as more effective and powerful than the Delhi Act.
She said the Delhi
Government would like to repeal its Act, if permission to
set up a State Information Commission was granted by the Centre.
- Documents obtained by Parivartan under the Delhi
Right to Information Act 2001 are at the heart of a major public
controversy over the World
Bank's involvement in a scheme to privatize Delhi's water supply.
The documents reveal that during the bidding process World Bank
officials repeatedly intervened with the Delhi Jal Board on behalf
of Pricewaterhouse Coopers.
- Parivartan
is a leading citizen's group working for right to information
in Delhi which has regularly reported on its struggles to access
information from the Delhi Government. Parivartan works in Sundernagari,
a resettlement colony in east Delhi. Parivartan has gone on Satyagraha
in the past to ensure effective implementation of the Act. Parivartan
has also adopted the method of Jansunwai
(Public Hearing) as innovated by MKSS
in Rajasthan. For example, in 2002, Parivartan organized a Social
Audit of Public Works in Sundernagari, which revealed that 'ghost
work' had been done in most of the cases. for more on this. Parivartan
has also taken the lead in accessing information on the public
distribution system in Delhi. They have been very active in exposing
the corruption of ration dealers who have been diverting essential
rations to the open market while claiming that they have been
supplying them to the poor.
For further information: Contact Parivartan at G-3/17,
Sundernagari, Delhi 110092. Tel: 91-11-55254077. E-Mail: parivartan@parivartan.com
or parivartan_india@rediffmail.com.
Website: www.parivartan.com.
- The Delhi Right to Information Manch is a collective
effort on the part of citizens to create a common platform to
spread awareness on Delhi Right to Information Act and to promote
the use of right to information amongst the citizens of Delhi.
The Manch also acts as a forum to share personal experiences resulting
from the use of the Delhi Right to Information Act and to discuss
various issues related to the Act. The Manch identifies the problems
related to implementation of the right to information and make
efforts to get them removed including filing cases in appropriate
courts to achieve the same. Any individual, association or group
could be a member of the Manch. The Manch meets every second Sunday
of the month at Gandhi Bhawan, Near School of Correspondence,
Delhi University.
For further Information: Contact Arvind Kejriwal at
Parivartan, G-3/17, Sundernagari, Delhi 110092. Tel: 91-11-55254077.
E-Mail: parivartan@parivartan.com
or parivartan_india@rediffmail.com.
Nagrik Sangathan(SNS) is a non-hierarchical citizen's
group working towards encouraging active participation of
citizens in governance to ensure transparency and accountability
in government functioning. It runs an information center in
the Malviya Nagar constituency of South Delhi. SNS seeks to
encourage citizens' participation in governance and helps
citizens to use tools such as the Delhi Right to Information
Act (RTI) to keep themselves informed about the various activities
of the Government; to use the information obtained to monitor
Government works, to ensure that public funds are spent properly
and to participate in planning the allocation of public funds
to ensure that funds meant for the welfare of citizens are
spent on activities that are considered important by them.
For more information: contact SNS at B-76 (Garage)S.F.S.
Flats Sheikh Sarai-1 New Delhi-10017, Tel: 26011362 , 9811420295,
E-Mail: snsindia@snsindia.org
Website: http://www.snsindia.org/
for Civil Society (CCS):The Centre for Civil Society is
an independent public policy think tank based in New Delhi
working on three major issues: Education, Governance and Livelihood.
CCS' emphasis is on proposing alternative policies that reduce
government control and provide alternative private and community
arrangements. To this end, CCS is actively engaged in promoting
the suo motu disclosure of public information held by public
authorities into the public domain. CCS has created a Duty
to Publish Index to measure public authorities' compliance
with Section 4 of the RTI Act. CCS aims to ensure maximum
compliance with Section 4 of the Act by all public authorities
without any ambiguities across public authorities regarding
what or how much of information should be disclosed.
For more information contact: Centre for
Civil Society, K-36, Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi-110016.
Website: www.ccs.in/dtp.asp.
Tel: 011-26537456, 26521882, Fax: 2651 2347
& Articles
- CHRI (2005) Forwarding Information Requests and
Appeals: A Step by Step Guide for Assistant Public Information
Officers under the Right to Information Act 2005, prepared by
Mr Venkatesh Nayak.
- CHRI (2005) Processing Information Requests:
A Step by Step Guide for Assistant Public Information Officers
under the Right to Information Act 2005, prepared by Mr Venkatesh
- CHRI has conducted numerous training programmes
and workshops in Delhi. For more information, click here.
- CHRI (2003) Training
Presentation on the Delhi Right to Information Act.
- CHRI (2003) Delhi
Right to Information Act Users Guide.
- For CHRI's posters on RTI click here.
- Bharat Dogra (2005) Right
to Information Exposes World Bank Water Deal, 6 November,
IPS News.
- Nistula Hebbar (2005) MCD
Receives Highest Information Requests, 31 October.
- Staff Reporter (2005) Delhi
Govt Wants to Repeal its Right to Info Act: Dikshit, 27 October,
The Hindustan Times.
- Staff Reporter (2005) Right
to Information Effective Tool in Hands of People: Dikshit,
27 October, UNI.
- Sonu Jain (2005) Tap
Talent to Evolve a Reform Model, 21 October, Indian Express.
- Parivartan (2004) Exercizing
Your Right to Information: A User's Guide to the Delhi Right to
Information Act.
- Varupi Jain and Subramaniam Vincent (2004) Active
Citizenship Taking Root, 28 September, India Together.
- Parivartan(2004) Report
on Jan Sunwai (Public Hearing)on the issue of Public Distribution
System conducted on 31 July 2004, 14 August, Parivartan.
- Staff Reporter (2004) Right
To Information Act gets Delhiites all the answers,12 June,
The Economist.
- Parivartan, (2004) Citizens
inspect government work in New Delhi, 25 March, Parivartan.
- Nistulla Hebbar (2004) Paper
Tiger Act Awaits Action, 27 March, Times of India.
- Nistulla Hebbar (2004) Citizens
have no Right to Know, 12 March, Times News Network.
- Nistulla Hebbar (2004) Right
to Information used for detection, 26 January, Times News
- Parivartan (2004) FOI
Act and Fighting Corruption, 15 March, Parivartan.
- Arvind Kejiriwal (2003) Where Did Our Money Go?
- Effects of Jan Sunwai, September issue, Symbiosis Law Times.
- Devesh K. Pandey (2003) PDS
'mafia' trying to gag info seekers, 11 October, The Hindu.
- Swaminathan S Anklesaria Aiyar (2003) A
handbook to empower citizens, 16 November, Times of India.
- Arvind Kumar (2002) Delhi
Right to Information Act, Teething Problems in Implementation,
- Harsh Mander (1999) Towards a Methodology for
People's Audit, September, Lokayan Bulletin.
- Parivartan (undated) Where
did our money go? A Parivartan Jansunvai from Parivartan.
- Parivartan ( undated) How
Right to Information has been used by People in Delhi successfully
in various Government Departments.
To update us on your RTI activities / share your RTI stories
