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1101 results found
Apr 27, 2020 In-the-news International Advocacy and Programming

Coalition Against Torture: Government officials should be accountable for excessive use of force, ill-treatment during COVID-19 lockdown

April 23, 2020 (

Apr 27, 2020 In-the-news International Advocacy and Programming

COVID-19 Lockdown in India – Need For A Tailored Approach As One Size Does Not Fit All Its Regions

April 25, 2020 (Ejil Talk) Written by Sarthak Roy and Niriksha Sanghvi The coronavirus disease (or covid-19) pandemic has created an unprecedented situation across the world with States struggling to treat infected persons and contain the spread of the virus, which has no known cure as yet.

Apr 27, 2020 In-the-news

Listening, leading and learning at the UN Human Rights Council: A Commonwealth story

  22 April 2020 By Sanjoy Hazarika, international director of the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI), and convenor of the Working Group on Human Rights in India and the UN Image: Anne Pakoa (Vanuatu Human Rights Coalition), Turenga Nakalevu (Homes of Hope), Sanjoy Hazari

Apr 28, 2020 Blog

Inactive State Information Commissions must resume work on the CIC model: CHRI's rapid telephone survey findings

Image courtesy: http://www.rfi.

Apr 22, 2020 In-the-news Access to Information

Is Delhi Police hiding the death toll in the recent violence?

क्या दिल्ली पुलिस दिल्ली दंगों में मारे गए लोगों की जानकारी छिपा रही है? (The Wire) April 21, 2020 एक आरटीआई आवेदन के जवाब में

Apr 20, 2020 In-the-news Access to Information

Why Is the Police Stonewalling The Wire’s RTI Queries on the Delhi Violence?

April 20, 2020 (The wire) In February, one video that went viral on social media showed five young men, badly injured and lying on the roadside, being brutally beaten by policemen who were forcing them to sing the national anthem.

Apr 17, 2020 Blog

Combating Coronavirus in Small States: Leaving No One Behind – International Frameworks and the Threat to ESC Rights in SIDS

April 16, 2020 (Island Rights Initiative) By: Sarthak Roy The global Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has created an unprecedented situation across the world with states struggling to treat infected persons and contain the spread of the virus, which has no known cure as yet.

Apr 16, 2020 Resources

Access to Justice During Covid-19

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Apr 14, 2020 Commonwealth_news commonwealth_news

What is happening to slaves rescued during the coronavirus lockdown?

Modern slaves will be allowed to stay in safe houses for longer during the coronavirus outbreak. Those supported through the modern slavery victim care contract will be allowed to stay in government-funded safe accommodation for the next three months.

Apr 13, 2020 Commonwealth_news commonwealth_news

Indian garbage collectors battle coronavirus unarmed

India is home to 5 million sanitation workers who clear not just garbage but also sewers and public toilets. For paltry pay, these workers often come in direct contact with human waste, working with little or no equipment and protection.