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Sep 28, 2022 Events

Virtual Event to Mark International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI)

To mark the International Day for Universal Access to Information on 28 September 2022, CHRI held a virtual forum to launch a compendium titled: ‘Implementing Anti-Human Trafficking Legislation: A Guide to Accessing Information through Right to Information Laws'.

Jun 03, 2022 Events

Regional Level Sensitization Workshop for Key Stakeholders on Community Service Sentencing In Ghana

These workshops took place in the Greater Accra, Bono, Western, and Ashanti regions in June.

Mar 01, 2022 Events

National Conference on Decriminalizing Petty Offences in Ghana

The Conference was organised by CHRI Africa in collaboration with Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) in March. The Conference chaired by Justice Emile Short had Hon.

May 03, 2023 Press-releases

Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) urges Commonwealth leaders to protect press freedom

London, 3 May 2023: On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) reaffirms that principles of press freedom are indispensable to the protection of all other human rights.

Apr 26, 2023 Blog

CIC's latest Annual Report: Rising number of first appeals indicates dissatisfaction with GoI's RTI replies is highest ever

Image courtesy: April 26, 2023 By: Venkatesh Nayak Two weeks ago, the first set of our findings from a preliminary analysis of the Central Information Commission’s (CIC) 2021-22 Annual Report (AR) was circulated.

Apr 23, 2023 In-the-news Access to Information

National security cover for political party donations!

( By Venkatesh Nayak Two months ago, I had written in this column about my struggle to get information about the number of donors (mind you, the number, not their names) who fund political parties and claim 100 per cent income tax exemption in return (DH 26/02/2023).

Apr 13, 2023 In-the-news Access to Information

Gujarat HC's Judgment in Modi Degree Case Undermines the RTI Act

The Wire By:  Venkatesh Nayak and B.K. Chandrashekar It is not clear at all as to how precisely would the individual’s – in this case PM Modi's – privacy would be violated by unravelling details of his qualifications.

Apr 10, 2023 Blog

RTIs to GoI rose by 6.55% during the 2nd year of the pandemic, but how reliable is the data published in the CIC’s 2021-22 Annual Report

Image courtesy: https://www.jagranjosh.

Mar 15, 2023 Publications International Advocacy and Programming


86 ORGANIZATIONS REITERATE CALL FOR AN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION Rwandan authorities must allow an independent, impartial and effective investigation into the death of the Rwandan journalist John Williams Ntwali, 86 civil society organizations and media associations said today, reiterating a 31

Mar 18, 2023 In-the-news Access to Information

Why did the Delhi High Court say non-citizens have a right to information under the RTI Act?

Mar 18, 2023 ( DOES the Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI Act) extend to non-citizens? It does, as per a Delhi High Court ruling this week which held that there cannot be an absolute prohibition on disclosure of information to non-citizens.