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1101 results found
Aug 26, 2016 In-the-news Police Reform

NHRC registering more cases, says there is more awareness

    Cases registered by the National Human Rights Commission have gone up over the past three years, but those where monetary relief was recommended have in fact declined.

Aug 19, 2016 Blog

Sri Lanka's RTI Law to be phased in

On 04 August, 2016, the Hon'ble Speaker of the Parliament of Sri Lanka certified their RTI Bill as having been "duly passed by Parliament". With this certification, the RTI Bill has become law in Sri Lanka.

Aug 22, 2016 Publications Access to Information

Sri Lanka Right to Information Act

The Hon'ble Speaker of the Parliament of Sri Lanka certified their RTI Bill as having been "duly passed by Parliament". With this certification, the RTI Bill has become law in Sri Lanka.

Aug 19, 2016 Publications Police Reform

THE POLICE — POLITICIAN PARADIGM -The Executive - Police Relationship

This paper seeks to add clarity and enhance debate as to the relationship between the political executive and police, particularly how it can be delineated in statutes.

Aug 04, 2016 In-the-news Police Reform

Tackling police violence and impunity in Kenya: Give the Constitution a chance

The article explores the problem of police violence in Kenya and links it to the structural conditions, informed by colonial legacy and most recent failure to de-colonise and democratise policing.

Jun 22, 2015 Publications Prison Reform

One day workshop on 23rd December at Delhi on ‘Civil Society Participation in Monitoring of Prisons’

One day workshop on 23rd December at Delhi on ‘Civil Society Participation in Monitoring of Prisons’

Jun 27, 2016 Press-releases

National Convention In Solidarity with the Victims of Torture

PRESS RELEASE From Horror to Healing Statement of the National Convention In Solidarity with the Victims of Torture New Delhi, June 24-25 2016 As the world observes June 26 in solidarity with victims of torture, the pervasive existence of torture within India is a crime deserving of

Jul 09, 2016 Multimedia Access to Information

DD News Janane Ka Haq: Discussion on Act-4 of RTI

Feb 19, 2015 Publications Prison Reform

One day roundtable on Civil Society & Corporate Participation in Prisons held on 17th February, Jaipur


Jul 25, 2016 In-the-news Access to Information

NGOs, Their Executives Asked To File Assets Detail By July 31

All domestic and foreign-funded NGOs receiving grants beyond a threshold limit and their executives have been asked to file details of their assets and liabilities by the end of this month. The directive follows the Centre's order last month which brought organisations receiving more than Rs.