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Jul 21, 2022 Press-releases

Togo and Gabon’s Admission to the Commonwealth: Member States Must Uphold Commonwealth Standards of Human Rights and Democracy

London, July 21 - With the recent addition of Togo and Gabon as the 55th and 56th members of the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) reiterates the need for Member States to comply with the fundamental principles and values as enshrined in Commonwealth frameworks, including

Jul 21, 2022 Blog

PMSVANidhi scheme for street vendors: RTI reveals 0.01% beneficiaries are from minority communities and less than 1% beneficiaries are persons with disabilities

Image courtesy: https://www.deccanherald.

Jul 16, 2022 Blog

RTI reveals OBC street vendors have benefited the most and STs the least from the PMSVANidhi scheme

Image courtesy: https://www.deccanherald.

Jul 12, 2022 Blog

PMSVANidhi Scheme for Street Vendors: geographical and demographic analysis of implementation data obtained through the RTI Act

Image courtesy: https://www.deccanherald.

Jul 09, 2022 Blog

PMSVANidhi scheme for street vendors: RTI reveals 15.88% loans have turned into non-performing assets (NPAs)

Image courtesy: https://www.deccanherald.

Jun 24, 2022 Blog

Reimagining pre trial justice: An overview of pre trial detention Sierra Leone

June 24, 2022 By: Ms. Lydia Winyi Kembabazi1 Globally, there are over three million people held in pre-trial detention and other forms of remand imprisonment throughout the world with a 30% rise of pre-trial detainees globally since the year 20002.

Jun 23, 2022 Blog

Pre-trial detention as a punishment: The situation for LGBT persons in Uganda

June 23, 2022 By: Adrian Jjuuko Pre-trial detention is commonplace in Uganda, because the reigning mentality in criminal investigations tends to favour the ‘arrest first, investigate later’ approach.

Jun 19, 2022 Blog

Pre-Trial Detention Time Limits: The Law on Paper and in Practice

June 19, 2022 By: Victor Chagunyuka Mhango [1] Malawi adopted a new constitutional order in 1995.

Jun 18, 2022 Blog

A petty legacy: Reducing pre-trial detention overcrowding by ending the criminalisation of poverty and status

June 18, 2022 By: Louise Edwards[1] A troubling legacy of the shared colonial history across the Commonwealth is the inheritance of criminal laws that, despite independence and democratic transformations, have either remained unchanged, or have been retained in some form.

Jun 17, 2022 Blog

Pre-trial detention is structural violence

June 17, 2022 By: Ambika Satkunanathan Pre-trial detention, particularly extended pre-trial detention, is common in South Asia with persons in pre-trial detention often constituting the majority of the prison population.