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1101 results found
Nov 23, 2015 In-the-news International Advocacy and Programming

Civil society demands a voice in Commonwealth

As Malta prepares to chair the Commonwealth for the next two years, NGOs have called on the Prime Minister to promote the protection of civil society, prevent their bases from closing and ensure they have a voice.

Nov 07, 2015 In-the-news Access to Information

Central Information Commission returned over 8,500 pleas

NEW DELHI: The Central Information Commission (CIC) has returned 8,534 cases — almost 15% of the cases received — to applicants over eight months on technical grounds.

Nov 07, 2015 In-the-news Access to Information

CIC returns 12% of info appeals with little explanation

New analysis by Right to Information activists confirms that the Central Information Commission is returning requests for information at a high rate to the applicants.

Nov 26, 2015 In-the-news Access to Information

RTI activists disappointed over CM’s ‘lack of transparency’

Right to Information (RTI) activists who had written to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal regarding what they claimed was a 'lack of transparency and public consultation' in relation to the proposed Delhi Lokpal Bill and the Service Delivery Amendment Bill are 'deeply disappointed' at t

Dec 07, 2015 Blog

Classically British Fudge: Codified Rights in an Unwritten Constitution By Sashy Nathan

Unlike our counterparts in the US, the UK Constitution is not revered and its discussion is usually greeted by a huge, apathetic yawn.

Dec 07, 2015 Blog

Gaiety in the Commonwealth? By Jill Cottrell Ghai and Yash Ghai

It is not easy being gay or lesbian in many countries, formerly British colonies, as in the middle of the nineteenth century Britain imposed on them Victorian attitudes to sex, particularly against homosexuality, through law.

Dec 07, 2015 Blog

CHRI urges the lifting of the state of emergency and restoration of constitutional rights and freedoms in the Maldives By Uladzimir Dzenisevich and Devika Prasad

The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) notes with deep concern the declaration of a state of emergency in the Maldives.

Dec 03, 2015 Multimedia

Mohd. Yousuf Tarigami, MLA, J&K State Legislative Assembly speaking on J&K RTI Act 2009

Dec 03, 2015 Multimedia

RTI Info Genie