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Dec 26, 2016 Events

Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference on the Rule of Law and Human Rights

Parliaments have a crucial role in ensuring the human rights for all. Together with the executive and the judiciary, they share a responsibility to enforce the rule of law and to implement their state's obligation to protect and promote human rights.

May 07, 2019 Press-releases

SAMDEN welcomes release of Reuters journalists in Myanmar, urges greater media freedom

  New Delhi, May 7 -- While the release of two Reuters journalists in Myanmar after 17 months of imprisonment is a welcome step, authorities there must also respond to calls for greater media freedom, the South Asia Media Defenders Network (SAMDEN) said today.

May 01, 2019 Press-releases

Supreme Court remarks on illegal detention fly in face of India’s constitutional and international obligations: CHRI

  [Image: Sentinel Assam] New Delhi, May 1 - The Supreme Court needs to reaffirm India’s constitutional and international obligations to rights on complex issues of nationality, detention and deportation and not be unmindful of its own commitment to these duties, the Commonwealth Hu

May 01, 2019 Blog

Committees to inquire into complaints against CIC: DoPT claims secrecy over the proposal and sends a copy of the RTI Act free of charge

Image courtesy: https://theprint.

Apr 26, 2019 In-the-news

Important how to cover news

April 26, 2019 (DH news service) While freedom of the press is important, media personnel should follow a set of principles, Sanjoy Hazarika, Director of Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI), said.

Apr 22, 2019 In-the-news Access to Information

OPINION | Politicians Flexing Muscles as EVMs Expose the Very Voter Privacy They Were Designed to Protect

April 22, 2019 ( By: Venkatesh Nayak  “A man without a vote is a man without protection”, said Lyndon Baines Johnson, the 36th US President, arguably the oldest surviving democratic republic on the planet.

Apr 18, 2019 Press-releases

Nusrat killing: A spotlight on sexual violence in Bangladesh

[Bangladesh Prime Minster Sheikh Hasina with Nusrat Jahan Rafi's family on April 15, 2019.

Apr 12, 2019 Press-releases

NCRB releases its latest report on Prison Statistics India (PSI, 2016)

  The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) has published the 22nd edition of the ‘Prison Statistics India, 2016’.

Apr 05, 2019 Publications Access to Information

WORKSHOP ON IMPLEMENTATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION for stakeholders in Kenya supported by the Commonwealth Foundation 14-15 Nov 2018

CHRI visited Kenya in November 2018 and conducted one national level workshop in Nairobi in collaboration with Katiba Institute with government representatives and other stakeholders on challenges to the implementation of the Access to Information Act in Kenya.

Apr 05, 2019 Publications Access to Information

WORKSHOP ON IMPLEMENTATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION for civil society representatives in Kenya supported by the Commonwealth Foundation 16 Nov 2018

CHRI visited Kenya in November 2018 and conducted a workshop with the representatives from civil society in Nakuru County, Kenya in collaboration with Katiba Institute and MidRift Human Rights Network.