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Apr 06, 2018 In-the-news Access to Information

Two more RTI activists murdered; no end seen to this sordid saga

20 March 2018: Prominent Right to Information (RTI) activist and youth leader of Nagaland, Poipynhun Majaw was killed in the State’s coal belt in the Jantia Hills district.

Mar 12, 2018 Multimedia Access to Information

Future of RTI: Challenges and Opportunities event: Photos

Mar 29, 2018 Press-releases

SAMDEN: 'alarming pattern' in attacks on media, says ‘impunity recognizes no borders’

March 29, 2018 New Delhi, India Declaring that ‘impunity recognizes no boundaries’, 20 prominent editors and media figures from a media rights network across South Asia, including India, Bangladesh and Pakistan today slammed the recent killings of journalists in India and Pakistan

Mar 27, 2018 Events

'Festival of Commonwealth Films- Human Rights' at CHOGM

  A CHOGM first, the Festival of Commonwealth Films- Human Rights is being organised by the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative in partnership with the Commonwealth Foundation.

Mar 20, 2018 In-the-news Police Reform

States will benefit from an independent PCA

(Hindustan Times) By:Pavani Nagaraja An independent Police Complaints Authority (PCA) is being constituted for Delhi to inquire into complaints by the public against the police.

Mar 20, 2018 Events

Celebrating 14 years of RTI in J&K

  CHRI and J&K RTI Movement in collaboration with Centre for Central Asian Studies, Kashmir University is organised an event – “14 years of RTI Movement in J&K”. The event is sponsored by FNF. Prof.

Mar 16, 2018 Blog

CIC reports more than 6% dip in the total number of RTI applications received by Central Government

  March 16, 2018 By: Venkatesh Nayak Readers will remember that through our Rapid Review Reports published since 2013 based on the Annual Reports of Information Commissions across the country, we have been reporting that the number of requests for information submitted to public author

Mar 15, 2018 In-the-news Access to Information

As Number of Murdered RTI Activists Rises to 67, It Is the Modi Government That Needs to 'Act Rightly'

Yet another Right to Information (RTI) activist in Gujarat has paid with his life for demanding transparency. On March 9, Nanjibhai Sondarva (35), a resident of Manekvada village in Kotda Sangani taluka of Rajkot district, was allegedly clubbed to death by six people.

Mar 13, 2018 Publications Access to Information

RTI cases pile up as vacancies in Information Commissions rise across India

Readers will remember our previous efforts to collate data about the use of RTI laws and the working of Information Commissions across India. This year, we mark the 25th anniversary of CHRI's work in India by releasing the Rapid Review 4.

Mar 08, 2018 Publications Prison Reform


On this Women’s Day, CHRI, through this Jail Mail commends the initiatives by Parliament, particularly the Committee on the Empowerment of Women to conduct studies on women in detention.